Chapter 32

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Will's POV

Cole finished his story and David was so shocked he didn't know what to do.

"How did he find you guys?" He asked Cole.

"I have no clue but-" he got interrupted by the girls and some guy walking in the door.

"Guys, this is Devery. He wants to help us find Maddie." Renee said.

"I went to the police but I haven't heard back from them in a while. I'll probably go back down to see if they found anything." Cole said and started heading towards the door.

"I'm coming with you" Kiara shouted and they both left.

"So how do you know Maddie?" Dana asked Devery.

"I met her today at the food court and got her number"

"Why do you wanna help?" Gabe asked him.

"I feel we're friends so I want to find her"

"Well I think it's best if we wait for Cole and Kiara to come back" I said. Everyone agreed so we decided to watch a movie to calm our nerves.

Drew's POV

Me and Jerry headed towards Abby, the girl that does the tracking.

"Hey Abby, we got this case we need help on" Jerry said. We handed her Maddie's phone number and she typed it in.

"This may take a few minutes" she said.

"That's okay I'll wait here" Jerry told her.

"I'll be back guys, I'm gonna take a walk"

I headed out the door and towards the lobby of the police station. There were so many people but one caught my eye. He was blonde and I recognized him. He was with Maddie in the picture.

"Excuse me, are you Cole?" I asked him. He nodded his head furiously.

"I'm detective Drew. I'm helping find your sister."

"Have you heard any news of where she is?" He asked and I shook my head.

"We're tracking her number as we speak. Come with me" I said. Him and a girl followed me to where Abby and Jerry were.

Maddie's POV

"Asher please stop!" I said struggling to get out of the restraints. They were so tight.

"I'm sorry Maddie, I can't." He grabbed the axe and held it above my head.


"Oh relax this isn't for you" I sighed in relief.

"But this is-" just then he stabbed me in the stomach.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" The wound was bleeding so he covered it up.

"We can't have you die right now, I still haven't had my fun yet" he smirked and started laughing.

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