Photoshoots of a horror film

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Three days had passed quicker than a blink of an eye, and I was just finished preparing myself, my bum was kind of numb having spent the majority of the time sat at my vanity table, it was fast approaching 9PM.
To my dismay Richie had still not returned home from whatever escapades he and Ray had been getting upto since this afternoon when they'd both disappeared.
I'd not informed Richie of my latest venture, mainly so that he wouldn't intervene, I mean, would he allow me to meet up with another man in order to do a photoshoot in gym wear? Absolutely not, but I wanted to do it, in all honesty it was somewhat of an ego boost and it felt nice to be able to earn a little pocket money for myself.

I finished running the brush through the ends of my hair and as if on queue the door bell bellowed through the house, followed quickly by my iPhone screen lighting up with a missed call by 'unknown caller'. Exactly 9pm on the dot, how precise.
I grabbed my handbag, slipped my feet into a new pair of Nike Dia's and quickly made my exit.
As I opened my front door I could hear the loud purring of the SUV Bentley that was parked across the road, now that was cat goals for me, I never really liked the sporty small cars that everyone seemed to rag around London.
Through the tinted glass I could just about make out Theodore who waved softly at me whilst I was locking the front door behind me.
I checked for surveillance and spotted two of Richie's guys sat in a car parked a few spaces away from Theodore, watching me like hawks, I gave them a subtle nod to 'ok' the outing, they nodded back in acceptance as I opened the passenger side door of Ted's car.

"Jada! A beautiful evening, don't you agree?" he inhaled deeply with a smile as he pulled off, he seemed somewhat satisfied of my presence,

"Erm.." I chuckled at his strange statement on this rather dismal, windy night,
"I wouldn't exactly say so myself" my eyes questioned the audible weather that now started to thrash down on the windscreen,

"Wind and rain, it.. it shakes things up a bit, nobody wants a plain, calm night all the time, no, we live for a good storm" his eyes remained on the road, he didn't seem to blink as he grinned widely at his statement,
"So, have you done photoshoots before?"

"None, it's... not really my kind of thing, I don't even take photos of myself or, videos, I don't favour the camera, I'm awkward" I mused but he didn't reciprocate the brushed off quip,

"That's got to be a joke. Why you don't share that natural beauty is beyond me. See... unfortunately the media is clogged up with these young women tarting themselves up with ten tonnes of make up like they're just asking for it.. pumping their faces full of all this shit, no, it's not on, we need natural, the way god intended women to be, like you" I watched his hands tighten around the wheel, his voice seemed to tense up a little,

"I'm guessing you don't like the fake look?" I laughed a little but he didn't seem to entertain my humour,

"Just mere kids passing themselves off as women, I mean, they're getting into clubs, what's that all about!" He sniggered but it wasn't in a nice way,
"I'm sorry. I just... I know if I was a father, things would be different for a daughter of mine. I... I just think kids should be kids. They're innocence needs to be preserved, you know?"

"I do. I get it. It's not right, especially when there's been a few cases where guys who've been with these girls because they've been partying in clubs get sent to prison, it's fucked up, I agree" I smiled softly, it was nice that he was so passionate about something that men typically wouldn't of gave a shit over.

All in all it took around a 20 minute drive, but we soon arrived. The gym was completely shut down in the darkness that surrounded us, the glass front illuminated only by the vehicles headlights.
I waited for the engine to stop humming before I went for the belt, but Theodore stopped me from un-clipping it,

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