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My sister's green eyes never peel from her daughter's, who's squeezing her hand tight in mine. "C'mon." The one holding a gun up to Ann gestures for me to move.

I glance between the other men, serious as each of their malice glares throw darts at me. One of them takes a swift step to push me toward the one holding the weapon. My heart hammers when I step foot just inches from him and Ann - Abby's hand slipped from my own as she now stands behind.

"What do you want?" I breathe. The man lowers his gun, only for the rest of the four men to take out their own. The alerting sounds of guns being cocked and loaded results in me to tense.

The guy gripping Ann's arm releases her, and she stands stiffly in place while he walks up to me. His dark hair is short and ruffled, a bruise canvases underneath his left eye - as either of his dark orbs penetrate me. Suddenly I tense more, if even possible, when I feel hardness press against my neck.

The guy holds his gun up to me. "You know Rio's boys, right? Did you happen to know of a Mikey? The kid took some of our belongings, drugs, to be exact." He sighs. "Now he's dead, and we don't know where those belongings happen to be." He smirks.

"I just figured since you know his boys...maybe you could help us out." I watch him glance at one of the men standing around us. "Let's move them to the living room, shall we? Wouldn't wanna get blood on these fine granite countertops." He grins.

He turns me around to exit my kitchen, as I feel the gun on my back, and hear movement behind me and take it that the others are moving Ann and Abby.

When my feet plant in front of the couch, and with the harsh force of the gun on my back, I'm pushed onto the black couch. I hurriedly sit up, anger courses through my veins as I flick my gaze up onto the drug dealer who pushed me.

I hear the sound of struggle behind his tall frame, and I shift in my seat to see Ann being thrown onto my wooden floor. I immediately stand up, attempting to shove the dealer before his hands slam against my shoulders, and I'm back on the cushions. I grunt as my blood boils, glancing at Abby who runs to her mom's side on the floor. My brown eyes lock onto the dealer's.

"I don't have whatever it is you're looking for." I say through gritted teeth. Instantly his harsh grip cups my face as he stands over me. His dark irises pierce into my own. "I wanna know where Mikey kept his stash. Trust me, I've had eyes and ears out to learn you're involved, hun. Which is why I found you." He declares.

I watch him point his gun in the direction behind him, toward Ann and Abby now coming to a stand. "I'll kill them both." He whispers. I shove him away from me, hitting his hands when they let go of my face. "Don't touch them-" I jump at the sound of a sudden gunshot - but the shot is low, sniper-like. But I heard it, and from the anger glinting in the dealer's eyes in front of me...everyone else did too.

My breath hitches when I see one the four men fall onto my wooden floor, unmoving. Immediately, the dealer grips my arm and pulls me up to come to a firm stand, as he stands against my back, holding his gun up to the side of my head.

My breathing increases as another gunshot sounds from somewhere - another one of the dealers drop dead onto my floor.

Abby screams, just as two of the other men run to my sister and niece's side, holding either of them captive each. I swallow when everyone is quiet, and quickly scanning the area with their frantic eyes and not moving a single muscle, to detect where the gunshots are coming from.

The dealer presses the gun tip harder onto my temporal, earning a wince in turn. I blink my glossy eyes at my sister who tenses at the grip one of the men have on her, then to Abby who keeps glancing at her mother, maybe for some kind of assurance. But Ann lets a tear slip down her cheek.

I suck in a low breath, gaining reticent courage and mentally prepare myself. The following moment, and at the sound of the next gunshot, I use it as a distraction, and quickly shift and step to the armed dealer's side, forcibly punching the gun from his hand - watching it smack against the wooden floor.

I take the chance to kick him in between his legs, hard. I don't think - instead I run, fast, hearing his grunt behind me. I don't know what I'm doing, exactly. But this could be a distraction, right, for whoever is shooting at the dealers?

...But Ann...Abby.... The dealers won't hurt them. Will they? "They won't hurt them..." I breathe to myself as my feet kick ahead of me. I run towards the corridor, hearing a loud groan far behind. "YOU MESSED UP, HUN." I hear the familiar dealer yell. "You thought you were gonna save them? Oh...no. They're practically already dead." I hear him add in the living room. I come to a complete stop in my tracks, and breathe heavily as I turn around.

I need...I need to go back... I hear him boom a chuckle from across the house. "Yeah, this is all on you, hun. It's too late. No worries, we can find the information we need from someone else!"

I try to steady and gather my breath, just before I take a step toward the direction of my living room - but before I can go back a hand pulls me back fast from behind.

My back slams against a hard figure as I'm pulled around the corner of the corridor. A warm hand covers my mouth. "Shhh..." I'm hushed, still struggling to gain my breath as my heart hammers from the unexpected grip someone now has on me. "I got you." I hear the familiar, comforting voice of Rio as he whispers against my ear. "I got you."


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote, loves!

Much, much love,


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