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A mix of confusion, comfort and uncertainty floods within me, and with my furrowed brows I spin on my heels. The hand Rio used to cover my mouth now drops to my side to grasp my waist, when my wide eyes meet his.

I breathe again, and not even a sliver of hesitation fills me to pull him in, when I wrap my arms around him. I feel his warm breath on my neck, and I finally, steady my breaths against him. "How are you even-" I'm interjected by him hushing me lowly again. I pull from him, latching back on to his dark irises that are blazing.

"Are you hurt?" He questions quietly with furrowed brows, and I quickly shake my head. He then lets out a breath through his nose, while his jaw is hardened. "I'll explain later, sweetheart. Stay quiet." He huskily whispers against me, gently pushing me onto the wall as his mere taller frame hovers me.

He averts his attention ahead, and smoothly, silently, steps out of the corridor - a flick of light reflecting on his familiar golden gun in his grip. The gangster disappears from my view, and I find my chest rising and falling rapidly again.

I swallow lightly, and take my hand to cover my mouth. I close my eyes briefly, before sliding my back down the cold wall quietly. I gently throw my head back in wait, sitting on the wooden floor with my back pressed against the wall, as my hands are shaking.

I suck in a low breath, that is, just before a frightened squeal almost escapes my covered lips from the sound of a gunshot being fired. I squeeze my eyes shut, pressing my hand harder against my mouth in silence.

Trust him... I feel the tears threaten to pour. I squeeze my eyes shut tighter. 'Auntie Vic!' My niece's light voice floats in my mind as I'm taken back to earlier. 'Where's your mom?' I hear myself, casual, absentminded of what I was about to walk into. There in my kitchen stood five men... Ann was being held at gunpoint...

'This is all on you, hun...' The dealer's voice taunts in my head. It's too late, he said. I bury my face in my hands, as my breathing increases, still. Suddenly, another gunshot sounds across my house.

And in the next second, another...then one more. I tense on the wooden floor, putting my head down as my knees are supporting either of my elbows. I bury my face again into my shaky palms.

I'm fighting the urge to stand up and go after the gangster. But his dark brown eyes held such certainty and reassurance if only I stay put. I want to...so bad. But I need to wait, as heavy as it is on my chest - I have to.

After four gunshots, the house is silent. Too silent. I steady my wobbling knees, and come to a stand. I lean against the wall, before fast steps sound near me. I turn to face the corner, just before Rio comes around it and my sister trails behind him with Abby's hand in hers.

I let out a sharp, relieved breath at the sight of the three of them. The gangster's irises immediately land on my own. I see his full lips twitch, before he sends me a reassuring nod.

I swallow, when my lips tug upward and my heartbeat calms. My gaze meets my sister's glossy pair, when I watch her run up to me, enveloping me in a hug. I tighten the warm embrace, before Abby runs up to my side and I feel her smaller frame engulf me too.

While I hug them, my eyes find Rio's. He watches me, deliberately, licking his full lips before averting his gaze onto the wooden floor, and folding his hands. My lips part, when I gently pull from their embrace. "Girls, this is Rio." I introduce, watching the gangster flick his chocolate brown eyes back up to meet my own.

He glances at my sister, then to my niece next to me. He offers a polite half nod their way, before Abby decides to run up to him. My brown eyes are wide when I watch her hug the gangster. I slightly exhale a humorless laugh, before I break into a genuine smile.

"Well, I guess it is about time we've been formally introduced." Ann starts, grinning. I watch her features soften when she looks at him. "Thanks, gangbang-" She instantly coughs exasperatingly, stopping herself. Her lips curve into a smile. "...Rio." She corrects. I flick my gaze onto the gangster again, when his brown eyes fix onto mine.

"Thank you." I mouth, failing to suppress my smile as I watch him - his full lips twitching in turn.


Sitting in the passenger seat of Rio's BMW, I glance in the rear view mirror to see Abby sound asleep in the back, and Ann who rests her head on the back window by her side. As I look at them through the mirror, I feel Rio's eyes on me.

I face ahead and look out to the road ahead of us. "Now do you want to tell me how you showed up?" I whisper. I peek at the gangster beside me, to see his gaze fixed ahead. I turn to face ahead again. I hear him breathe.

"I thought you woulda followed me. So I was gonna turn back around, anyway. But at the end of the road I saw a couple cars that stood out. I turned around, and there you were...held at gunpoint. When I saw that through the window..." He explains lowly, before pausing. I glance at him. Rio's jaw is clenched as his knuckles whiten on his steering wheel.

"And you saved us." I turn in my seat to face him completely. "You saved me..." I whisper. Rio's brown irises land on my own for a brief moment, before he focuses ahead again.

I spot Ann's driveway the minute I glance ahead. "There." I direct him, before he pulls into her driveway and parks the car. I glance over my shoulder. "Ann, we're here." I say softly, watching her squint her eyes and stretch. She groans. "Ann...it was kind of obvious you weren't sleeping..." I crack a smile, and in return my sister rolls her green eyes.

"Sorry, you two. Couldn't help but to eavesdrop." She winks, before gently tapping her daughter's shoulder. Abby flutters her eyes open, and sits up. My sister sighs behind me.

"Thanks for the ride, guys. Night!" She dismisses herself, waving before her and Abby both exit the car. I lean back in my seat, watching them enter their house safely.

I blow out a tired breath, fixating my gaze onto my feet below. "Well...I'm glad I now know that you look through my windows." I joke, slowly meeting back up to the gangster's gaze. I watch him shake his head, chuckling.

I see his white teeth showcase, and my lips tug upward. "Nah, something just told me to. I'm glad I did." The gangster's dark brown eyes hold my own. I bite my lip, and nod. A sigh escapes my lips in turn. "So, what now?" I arch a brow.

I watch the gangster lick his full lips, before he leans his head back on his leather seat. "Now, I get rid of the bodies in your living room." He breathes. I raise my brows. "Oh. Right, because there are five dead men in my living room..." I murmur, nodding slowly to myself as I vesture a frown.

Rio glances my way, and we hold each other's serious expressions, before he smiles after I do.


Thank you for reading, loves. Hope you all enjoyed! Vote, vote, vote!

New chapter will be up tomorrow! Have a blessed night, everyone.

Lots of love,


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