Chapter 1 Dark Lullaby

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I jolt awake, breathing heavily. I sit up and run a hand through my hair, avoiding my horns. My people and I constantly dream of what we've done. We cannot escape the memories of the massacre. I look at my arm and run a finger over the machine on my arm. Designed to keep our rage in check, this machine has made it so my people can live among humans. None of us take it off, for fear that we will become a horrendous monster. It's been there for as long as I remember, except for in the nightmares. The humans see our history as a sacrifice; we did what was felt needed to be done. We see it as a huge tragedy; none of us are proud of what we've done. It's in our past, but the humans are adamant about reminding us that we're monsters.

"Lullaby! Hurry up, or you'll be late. You don't want to be late again." The soft voice of Mountain Flower brings me out of my thoughts. I nod and stand up. We are treated like we're lower than dirt. Some of us believe that we deserve that for what we've done. The humans use us as slaves, ranging from hard labour to... more personal favours. The rebels, known as The Silence, have been making things difficult for us. They have been kidnapping human children and putting the blame on us. The humans haven't been able to catch them, and no one knows how dangerous they truly are.

"I've heard that we're going to witness the Wild Rose trials." My eyes widen at this.

"What? But, the Fos'ur don't like outsiders witnessing them. Besides, they're just legends." The Fos'ur are a group of humanoid cats that are more secluded than the gods themselves. Some don't believe the Fos'ur are even real, and I can't blame them. If I hadn't met Ryszi, I would've never believed the Fos'ur existed. Though I didn't know it at the time, I had a feeling that this was going to be life-changing. Not just for me, but for everyone who draws breath.

A/N: Hello! I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short! The future chapters should be longer. In case someone missed the description (or I delete it), this story is hugely inspired by the Warborn in Archeage. Race names will be changed and other minor things will be changed. I will loosely follow the Warborn story up to the Freestorm, and I will deviate the story from the game after that. I am not intending to copy the game, but I am drawing inspiration from it. I adore the Warborn story, but I wanted to make my own version of it. Also, this story features perspective shifting. The character speaking will have their name in the chapter title. I hope you enjoy this, and have a good day/night!

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