Chapter 2 Ryszi

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I sit on the tree branch, my tail swishing. I stare off towards the mountains, a warm breeze ruffling my fur and hair. Today was the day that I go through the Wild Rose trials, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. The Fos'ur celebrate a young cub becoming an adult through a series of trials. The first part determines if the cub is ready. If they move to the second trial, they're thrown into combat. If you are ready, or extremely lucky, you'll be rewarded with the key to the final trial: the vigil. Very few have actually failed all three. But, very few make it to all three.

"Ryszi! Get your tail down here!" I look down to see Elysant, a village elder. Her black fur is dotted with grey and is the only indication of her age. She's fiery and was one of the first female Fos'ur to complete all three trials. I hop down from the branch, landing gracefully on my paws. I stand up and nod my head in respect before grinning.

"I've been working on my landing. What do you think?"

"You're not falling on your face anymore, and that's what matters. Now, hurry up. You wouldn't want to be late for the trials. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can spoil Tarrin." I nod as I start sprinting towards the village. The ground under my paws is soft, with the occasional stone. I stop by my hut to pick up my staff. I continue on, not stopping until I reach the chief. I slow down once I see him and I bow as soon as I get within arm reach of him. He smiles and motions for me to stand up. I do so, but I still refuse to meet his gaze.

"Ryszi. Over the past few years, you've proven yourself a fine warrior. Your magic is strong and pure, as are you. You are a gentle but fierce soul, never backing down from danger. You are more than worthy of taking the trials, Ryszi. May the wind be in your steps and fire in your heart." I bow again and back up, getting ready to go to the next trial. "Wait. There is something special about this Wild Rose trials. For the first time, outsiders have come to witness the trials." I look behind me to see two humans and two arcanus. I find myself staring at the arcani on the left. I blink and go over to them. Bowing, I introduce myself.

"My name is Ryszi, daughter of the wind and fire."

"This is Lord Deren, and on his left is Lady Aria." The arcani says, her voice like silk. On her arm is the machine that I have only heard of in fairytales, and a part of me believes that she doesn't need it. I contemplate reaching out to touch her hair, but I decide against it.

"And, what is your name, dear?" The arcani looks shocked and seems to hesitate.

"My name is Dark Lullaby, miss." Something about the way she says miss just sends heat throughout my fur. I can feel my ears heating up and I smile.

"I hope you enjoy your stay, miss Lullaby." With that, I turn away. I can feel her gaze on my back as I walk towards the lieutenant. I grab the staff he's holding and I walk to the circle. Taking a deep breath, I stab the staff into the ground. I let go of the staff just in time to dodge an attack. The big, angry wolf growls and stalks towards me. I smirk and send a blast of magic at it. It howls in pain and rushes towards me. I dodge, sending another blast of magic towards it. It snarls and bites at me. I send one final blast of magic before deciding on my staff. I jump up as the wolf rushes me and I slam my staff down on its spine. It gives one final cry of pain before disappearing. I smile to myself, happy that I beat the second trial. I look towards the chief, who nods approvingly. As I turn back around, my gaze lingers on Lullaby a little bit too long. The arcani is smiling, her eyes sparkling with pride. I look away, smiling.

I remove the staff from the ground and walk it back over to the lieutenant. I turn towards the chief and he holds out his paw. I hold mine under his as he drops something in my palm. I look at it, and I'm taken away. For the Fos'ur that make it to the third trial, they are given a key. No one has ever seen it as a key, but rather, as something important. If you were attracted to someone, the key tended to take shape of one of the features of that person. No one could explain why it is this way.

"What do you see, Ryszi?" The chief asks.

"It's.. a horn, sir." The chief looks behind me and then back at me.

"I see. Ryszi, my dear, it is almost time to hold your vigil. But, before that, we feast!" The other Fos'ur scatter to set everything up and I slip away. Padding softly, I head over to the snowlions. A pure white one stands in the centre, towering over the rest. The white one spots me and comes towards me. I smile and reach my hand out. The snowlion makes a sound similar to a purr as he squishes his face into my hand.

"Hello, Tarrin. By this time tomorrow, I'll be a warrior. The first warrior mage! Enemies will cower when they see us coming." I whisper to him. Suddenly, Tarrin pulls away sharply and growls. Following his gaze, I realize that he's not staring at me, but at someone behind me. I whip around, teeth bared and claws out. My gaze softens when I realize it's Lullaby.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I don't like big crowds and so I wanted to go somewhere quieter." The arcani mutters, backing away. Tarrin seems to relax and starts licking his paw.

"No need to be sorry. Be proud you were able to sneak up on a Fos'ur." I smile.

"I'm sure it was because you weren't paying attention. My kind isn't known to be soft-footed." She responds softly. For as good as my hearing is, I have to strain to hear her. What have they done to her to cause her to be this afraid?

"I know what you mean about wanting to slip away. I do not like big crowds. The feasts are the worst, and so I've learned how to slip away, unnoticed. The trials are a beautiful ceremony, and it's an honour to have that many cheer for me. There was a time where I was seen as a menace, a young cub simply getting in the way of everyone." I reach out to scratch Tarrin behind his ear and I smile when he purrs.

"My kind is seen as nothing but such. We're either in the way, or being useful. Most of us tend to fall in the former."

"What the humans do to the arcanus is wrong. You deserve to have your own life, free from control."

"The... arcanus? What is that?" Lullaby asks, very confused. Her head tilts in a similar fashion to a dog. I smile, frustrated at how damn adorable she is.

"The arcanus is the Fos'urian word for your kind. Do you not have a name for yourselves?"

"No. We're just referred to by our names, if at all." I frown, my fists clenched. I shake my head and sigh.

"If it were up to me, the humans would have no control over the arcanus. You are living beings, so what if you're not human? Neither are we, but we're treated with respect!" I growl, lashing my tail. Tarrin growls in response and Lullaby seems to shrink away. I look up at her, and for the first time since meeting her, our eyes lock. I look into her emerald stare, filled with fear, anger, and hope. In that moment, I know what I have to do.

I will free the arcanus, if it's the last thing I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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