
284 3 152

~All your characters must be able to cross borders

~All sexualities straight please, it makes pairings simple and easy

~No max amount of  characters, but no pairing two OCs.

~No godmodding

~Have good grammer and properly made sentences. No text talk

~ Use parentheses to talk outside of the rp (like this)

~Password is Flare.

~Tell the other person when you are leaving! It gets annoying when you are eagerly waiting for a responce and it doesn't come till the next day

~No controlling others' characters or mine

~Details! Make sure you describe perfectly what you are imagining in front of you. If you are starting a chain, please have at least four or five sentences. You can include who, what, when, where, how, and why






Power (firebreathing, venom, etc for dragons only. Firebreathing is most common and powers are genetic)



~~~You can rp with the same characters at the same time in different places if you'd like ~~~

Edit: Please describe your character in the comments instead of tagging. If someonewants to rp with you, it makes it a lot easier to figure out what they look like. Also, please have a wolf character, as well as a male! We can't have all female dragons here

Wolf x Dragon rpWhere stories live. Discover now