(Moonset) I need names/opinions for this thing...

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So I've got an idea, but I need a name for something in this idea. They aren't the main part of this new story idea, but it pertains to a certain people in ths story, including one of the Pack.

But I can't think of a name for these people. Let me explain what they are;

(Important: This AU takes place IRL, in present day)

They are people that can turn into dragons. They are a nearly extinct people... Enough living that you could count them on one hand. (Maybe they used to be a powerful race? I don't know yet)

I haven't decided whether or not they are:

- Just people that can turn into dragons.

- Dragons locked away in a human's body (turned into people in some event or battle or curse), but still retain their memory.

- Or what I'm leaning towards most; Dragons that are born human. They are dragons, not humans, but that is how they appear when they are born. After their first transformation due to a probably traumatic/intense event (imagine rage or fear as a trigger... Triggers that can still force them to transform later), they can transform back and forth, for the most part. (Now that I type this out... It's kinda like Corrin from Fire Emblem) While most are aware of their heritage, the Pack member was not.... And their first transformation left them out of control.

Either way, this race would be from another world that is tied closely to our own. I'll explain more when I post nore about the idea... Again, this isn't the main idea of the story.

But anyways, I need a name for these people. Something that sounds ancient, perhaps? I have some names I thought of here (the roots are in latin);

 Something that sounds ancient, perhaps? I have some names I thought of here (the roots are in latin);

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I think these names are decent, but I think they could be better.

Basically, I want your ideas and feedback!

Which name do you think is best? Feel free to suggest some too!

I would also appreciate feedback on my ideas for the dragon-people. Mainly on the last idea.

Please leave some feedback! I'll get the whole idea out soon, so feel free to post some there too. Thank you in advance!

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