Chapter 2

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Your POV ~

I snuck into the ship as quietly as humanly possible and once I found the perfect hiding place behind a pillar I whipped out my phone and I turned on my camera to take a photo.

This is easy.
Too easy.

I pressed the button to take the picture and three things went wrong in those five seconds.
The flash was on
It was a video
The squidward looking guy turned around a saw me.

I quickly dropped my phone and turned off my space mask so I could see him properly.
And he could see me.

"Hey boys" I said, in my badass voice.

"Who the hell are you"
"Ugh boys get this pest out of my view before the master comes"


Two people started coming towards me. One was a woman\alien with blueish hair and the other was just huge with an axe-like weapon.

"Let's get this party started then shall we?" I said while kicking the woman in the face.
I then ran up the guys face and wrapped my thighs between the two sides of his face and flipped forward, making him fall to the ground.
The woman had a glowing stick and she suddenly stared charging towards me.
"Oh hell no not today I'm not in the mood" I said with a sarcastic tone in voice.

"You will die"
"Don't think so"
I ran the opposite direction form her and for a split second she stood there confused.
In case you're wondering I have a lot of powers. Her are a few.

Super strength
Super speed

Back to the story

I teleported to behind the woman and grabbed her stick and whacked her in the head with it
"Surprise bitch"

I looked for the squidward guy but he disappeared.
"I'll find you trust me"

I went to pick up my phone and realized it was still recording.
"Yes !!"
Ok time to go back. Now where's the door?

Peters POV~

I was sitting in the kitchen of avengers tower when Tony came in and he looked worried.
"What's up Mr Stark?"

"Oh nothing it's nothing kid, hey you should go home May is probably worried sick"
"Yeah you're right thanks"

I was about to leave when I remembered to tell tony about y/n.
"Oh and I helped y/n with the whole alien ship thing it was no biggie she said for you to call her when you could"

"Wow kid thanks you saved me a lot of effort I didn't wanna use"

"Anytime see ya"
"See ya kiddo"

Your POV~

I was going to leave but then I decided to explore the ship I mean it was a spaceship who wouldn't?!

"She's stronger than we thought master"
"Well she isn't as strong as me now is she?"
"Now sir nobody is you are the most powerful"

Were they talking about me ?!
Oh god I have to go.
I might take just a one look to see who this 'powerful' dude is.

What the hell is this guy?!

He was a huge purple dude with a gold glove on his hand. They seemed to have six spots on it for something.

I better go quick.

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