Chapter 1 The Reaping

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I'm Looking at my beautiful braid that's wrapped around my head but I sadly not enjoying it. I'm freaking out because the reaping for the 25th or the first quarter quell is today. There's a huge chance I won't be chosen but everything's possible.

I'm the youngest in my family and the only one whose eligible for the hunger games. I only have one other sibling who is my older brother Charlie whose 20. When our parents died I was only 7 and he was 14. He took care of both us ever since.

"Are you ready Asypn?" Charlie asked knocking on the door. I started panicking because I knew what that meant. We are going to the reaping.

"Um yes just give me a section." I shouted even though he was only outside of the door. He left without a word. I know he's worried just like me but I had to be strong for him so I walked out of my room in a cotton red dress that was my moms when she was my age.

We didn't talk the whole way up until I saw my one and only friend Cass. She was wearing a distressed light blue dress. The dress was all of her 3 older sisters before it was hers. Her gorgeous red was in a simple bun with a braid around the hair tie.

"Are you nervous? Because I'm super nervous!" Cass asked me shaking as we walked to get our finger pricked.

"If I said no I would be lying." I said trying to lighten up the mod, but it didn't really help. She looked at me with a fake smile.

"Finger please." The lady with the pricker demanded so I quickly gave her my finger and pressed on the piece of paper. I almost ran to my section with the 13 year old girls.

When all the kids in the reaping got in there section a lady from the Capitol with sliver blue hair, a blue dress with an almost tutu style skirt walked on the stage district 7 set up for the reaping. Cass grabbed my hand squishing it.

"Welcome everyone to the 25th or the first quarter quell!" She said clapping as everyone started at her with a blank faces. "Alright then ladies first!" The lady said to joyful for the moment. "Ok first girl is Tulip Hearst!" She said as the poor girl from the 17 year old section walked up. Her mud brown curls bounced back and forth as she walked up. "Ok the next girl is......... Asypn Mere!" I froze. I couldn't believe it. I was going to the hunger games. Cass took me in and hugged me.

"I will always be with you she" whispered slipping something in my hand. As I walked up I put the gift she gave me in a small pocket in my dress. When I got the stage I froze, it was so terrible that one of the peacemakers dragged me on the stage.

"Ok then." She said walking over to the glass bowl with the boys names in it. "Ah our first male is Troy Sten!" Said the lady. A shaggy boy stood up from the 15 year old section and started steadily walking to the stage. He took a deep breathe and trotted on stage. "Ok last and final person being reaped today is Finn Walters! He stood up from the 18 year olds group and almost ran up to the stage. "Give the tributes from district 7 a big round of applause!" The lady said as the peace guards leaded us off. I heard small claps from the crowd.

I was led to a small room that had a dirty floor and off white walls. Suddenly the door opened and it was Charlie.

"Don't worry you'll been fine!" He said hugging me. When he let go I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"I will be fine just please try to stay strong for mean." I said quietly. I was to nervous to speak any louder than a soft squeak.

"I promise and whatever happens just know I will always love you!" He said going in for one last hug.

"Your times up." A peace keeper said busting in the room. My brother left wordless and depressed looking. I was alone now not knowing if anyone else was coming to see me.

10 minutes later Cass runs in with her mom right behind her. "Asypn I feel so bad I don't know what to say! I'm going to cry every section of the day without you here!" She cried going in for a quick hug.

"I know I can't go but I have to! I seriously don't know what I will do with myself without you!" I wailed. We cried until the peace guard came in and told us Cass and her mom had to go. She came in for one last hug then her and her mom left.

Around 5 minutes later 2 peace guards came and took my arms. The brought me to a train where I found all the other tributes inside watching the reaping on a small tv. I sat down in the first empty chair I could find.

Suddenly the lady that was announcing the tributes walked on the train picked up the remote and turned off the tv. She sat down in a big velvet blue chair. "Welcome everyone to the train that will be taking you all to the Capitol. If you don't know my name is Paris Garth." She exclaimed. No one looked like they were paying attention to the stuff she was saying new were all to focused on the hunger games and that we actually got reaped.

"It getting pretty late can I go to bed?" Tulip asked Paris.

"How can you be tried we haven't even had dinner." Paris said shocked.

"I know but I need my beauty sleep and I'm not hunger at all!" Tulip fought back.

"Alright but your missing our on chocolate strawberries for dessert!" Paris said to excited. Tulip just shrugged and walked to the back where all the rooms are.

I couldn't wait for diner because I know it's going to be the best meal I've ever had. For meals me and my brother usually had leftovers the neighbors had or if it was a good day we bought something.

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