Frankenstein new ending

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Monster: A companion! Don't worry, man, We'll go off into the wilderness together, we'll live in peace and kindness

Clerval: And what will you do then? Breed?

(Pullman 51)

Clerval tries to run towards the machine to destroy the bride but the monster sees what he is trying to do. He does one step and blocks Clerval's path.

Monster: Stop! I won't let another [disgusted] human, ruin my only chance for happiness. I have suffered enough because of humans, because of Frankenstein!

Clerval: You aren't the only one who has to suffer because of the way people judge, it's selfish to think so

Monster: I'm sorry, I forgot. You Clerval, you know how it is to be judged by other people, to be judged for something you can't change.

Clerval looks confused at the monster. He looks like he wants to say something, but the monster starts speaking before he is able to do so

I'm not blind. I have seen the way you look at Frankenstein. How you treat him, the way you idealise him. You're the only person who wants to be in his compa-

Clerval: You're wrong, you have no idea what you're talking about

Monster: You know that I'm right. We both know. You're in love with him.

Clerval: [Sigh] Yes, we could never be together because of the way people would treat us... But you can't create more monsters, your happiness may not be at the expense of thousands of other people's.

Monster: [Angrily] I don't care about those people, they took my happiness, now I'm going to get it back, no matter what or who it will destroy. [calm] But you could come with me, you know what it's like to-

Clerval: [Angrily] No! Never!

Clerval runs towards the bride

Clerval: I will destroy this monster, I won't let this happe-

The monster strikes Clerval down. He walks to the bride and looks at her. Outside it's starts to rain heavily, a storm is coming.

Elizabeth comes in, there are no lights on the monster and the bride. A flash of lightning shines on Clerval. Elizabeth only sees Clerval and runs towards him while shouting:

Elizabeth: [shocked] Clerval, oh no! what happened...

Elizabeth turns around, realising that something is wrong. She is too late; the monster has seen her and is now slowly walking towards her. Outside there is a thunderclap and the storm rages on.

Monster: Elizabeth

Elizabeth: [stuttering] what-t – what have you done to him, what-

Monster: It was his own choice, he chose not to come with me.

Elizabeth: [disgusted] Why would he even want to?

Monster: He was an outcast, he was in love with your cousin. Frankenstein, your cousin, the cause for all my misery and unhappiness.

Monster comes closer to Elizabeth, till he's almost touching her

Elizabeth: [anxiously stuttering] S-stop-p, W-wh-what are you doing?

Monster: The only thing Frankenstein's family deserves

The Monster puts his hands onto Elizabeth's neck, Another flash of lightning. Elizabeth tries to escape, but the monster strangles her while outside there is again a loud clap of thunder.

Dimmed lighting. Frankenstein opens the door, sees the monster holding Elizabeth, runs towards them but makes up his mind and stops

Frankenstein: Elizabeth? Y-you-you Monster!

Monster: Me? A monster? You are the real monster, you made me like this, and now you're going to finish what you have started

There is an enormous clap of thunder, the monster and Frankenstein both look at the bride. It's dead silent for a moment, then an intense and blinding flash lights up the whole stage. The silhouette on the bench starts to move. The lights are normal again, slowly the bride rises up from the bench. Frankenstein is standing perplexed and petrified. The monster walks up to the bride and helps her to sit up

Monster: You're beautiful

Frankenstein: No, this can't be happening, this can't actually have happened. This is all a dream, a nightmare. Please tell me that none of this is real

The monster turns to Frankenstein

Monster: We'll leave you alone and go off into the forest. we'll live happily together with our children. [threatening] But don't try to come after us, you won't be able to find us. We will find out, and if we do, we will

Go into the villages and plunder them, we will kill innocent people. So;don't come after us, or it will all be your fault.

Frankenstein is still petrified, he barely moves while the monster and his bride walk out of the door.

After the monster has left, Frankenstein sinks down hopelessly on the ground

Frankenstein: [sobbing quietly little louder every time] What have I done, what have I done

Frankensteinfalls down and lies on the ground for a few second, then he stands up

Frankenstein: [speaking to himself] The monster was right. This is all my fault. Every death, everything. I killed them all, first William, my innocent brother William. Then Clerval, my friend, the only person who wanted to be my friend. And-and Elizabeth, my dear sister. And n-now-now I have created another monster, a female. And if they breed, then it will be the cause of so much more misery. If I had only seen how selfish I was being. I didn't create the monster to help humanity, I did it to show of my talents, no one ever took me serious. The monster the monster, I am. I can't change my past, I can't fix what I have done. But I can't live with all the guilt either. Farewell cruel world, farewell

Frankensteinis holding a gun, he's moving it towards his head. At once the lights go off, it's completely dark. The sound of the gunshot is very loud in the silence.

The lights slowly turn on again. Frankenstein lies in the middle of the stage. Elizabeth and Clerval lie near him. Suddenly, Clerval moves. He gets up, he looks like he is lost and confused. He looks around him and sees the bodies of Elizabeth and Frankenstein.

Clerval: [confused and stuttering] E-Elizabeth? F-F-Frankenstein? W-w-what? [helpless] Oh no!

All lights go off again

-The end-

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