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You continue running from Toriel, fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins. Her maniacal laughter rings in your ears as you go faster, faster, faster. Until you can't run anymore.

"Dead end?!" You shriek, standing face-to-face with a tall stone wall. Heavy footsteps pound behind you, and you slowly turn around to face your pursuer. She grows closer and closer, a sharp-toothed grin growing across her face.

"Come now, sweetie," she purrs, "let's get you inside, shall we?" You're just about to grab your swords when-

You're lifted into the air, unable to move. An orange ball of fire surrounds you and the only thing you can do is stare at it. Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of tiredness overcomes you and you quickly fade out of consciousness

  "Let's get you home, shall we?"


Your (e/c) eyes slowly open as you moan groggily.

  "Ngh...where am I?" You mutter, squinting around what seems to be a dimly lit basement. You glance down at your black leggings and notice that you're tied to an old chair. The thing creaks as you attempt to free yourself from the chair, but you stop as you hear loud footsteps coming from above you.

  "Oh, darling," Toriel exclaims, "you're awake!" She stomps down a rickety set of wooden stairs to face you.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, genuine concern in her voice. Why does she care all of a sudden? You wonder, I was just kidnapped...

"I'm...I'm doing fine, thank you," you reply politely, your voice shaking slightly.

"Good, good!" The goat woman exclaims. She clasps her hands together tightly "Shall we get you to your room, sweetie?"

"...Of course," The ropes bonding you to the chair were burned away quickly by Toriel's fire magic.

"Come along, my child," she says, heading up the squeaky wooden staircase. You hesitate for a second, then follow behind her. You are lead down a dark hallway, then are shocked by what you see next. A completely normal bedroom, seemingly for a child, waits empty before you. Your jaw drops slightly. Toriel stands by the door, welcoming you into the room.

"Here we are!" She exclaims, "Why don't you take a nice nap and I'll bake you a pie,"

"Okay," You say quietly as she leaves the room and shuts the door. Just lay low until she's distracted, then I can escape, You think cleverly. You pull your hood over your face and tighten the strings, then glance at the full-sized bed. You think for a moment, then decide to lay down. Originally, you thought you were going to take a power nap, but sleep never came to you. You tossed and turned for about ten minutes, then decided to try and escape. You crept slowly out of the room and backtracked down the hallway you went through earlier. You made your way into a mostly beige kitchen with a large assortment of knives. Toriel was crouched in front of the oven, watching whatever was cooking intently. Huh, she's really cooking a pie, you think curiously. With one final glance at the kitchen, you sneak out towards a well-lit staircase. This seems like the exit, you think, heading down the staircase. You eventually reach the bottom and gaze up at a large purple door twice your height with an odd symbol on it. You reach out to open it, excitement coursing through you, your eyes lighting up, when-

"Wait, my child!" Toriel exclaims, racing down the staircase, "Please don't go, you'll be killed almost instantly!" You feel a pang of guilt as you see the worry in her eyes.

  "It'll be okay," you assure her, placing a cautious hand on her forearm, "I can handle myself," You notice she glances at the swords on your back. Toriel smiles to herself, a genuine smile.

  "I trust you, my child," she says with a sigh, "Be careful," You begin to thank her but you're cut off when she pulls you into a warm bear whug. Your eyes tear up slightly from the sudden kindness of Toriel. She lets you go, beams at you one last time, and ascends the staircase back into her home. You take a deep breath and push open the heavy double doors.

Fearlessness (UF!Papyrus x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now