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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, high school ya know. Anyway, thanks for your patience!!


You're lead into a room as large as a football field with ceilings as high as skyscrapers. Motion detecting lights come on as you walk towards the middle, making it look even larger. You stop in your tracks and gaze around the place, shocked at the size of it. Alphys shuffles up next to you and grins.

  "It's very large, isn't it?" She says. You just nod. Undyne joins you and places her hands on her hips.

  "I love running laps in here!" She exclaims, "It's so easy to tell how far you go!" Papyrus, for some reason, stands in the doorway talking on his phone angrily with someone. Who would he be talking with? You decide to focus on what Alphys said about techniques instead of the angry skeleton in the corner.

  "So, Alphys," You say, "you mentioned trying out techniques with my ability?" Alphys nods her head vigorously.

"I wanted to see if you could bond your soul with your weapons," the dinosaur explains, "some monsters, like Papyrus, can do that. I've heard of sorcerers doing it as well,"

"Yeah, of course!" You exclaim, "Let me just grab my..." Your sentence trails off as you reach for your silver swords, but find them to be missing. There's only one person who could've taken them.

"Papyrus!" You say angrily, "Where the hell are my swords?!" He slowly shoves his phone into his jeans pocket.

"They will be here shortly," He replies coldly. As if on cue, Sans teleports into the room carrying your silver swords.

"heya sweetheart," he says with a wink. You just roll your eyes and cross your arms. Sans heads over to you and hands you your weapons.

"Thanks..." You mutter, gripping the handles tightly.

"anytime," Sans says before teleporting away, most likely to fall asleep on the couch.

"I hope he was careful with these," you think out loud, "Xander made them for me..." This catches Papyrus' attention.

"WHO'S XANDER!?" He says suspiciously, his voice raising back to its regular volume.

"My older brother," You reply calmly, "he was the best," The room goes into an awkward silence.

"O-okay..." Alphys stutters, "let's just try the bonding now, shall we?" You nod and focus your attention on her. Undyne stares at you expectantly, excited for what will happen next. Papyrus narrows his eyes at you.

  "First, uh..." Alphys says, "you have to phase your soul out of your chest. Have you done that before?" You shake your head no.

  "Okay, just follow my instructions," she continues, "focus on your core traits, your fearlessness and courage," You close your eyes and concentrate. The now familiar warmth fills your body with a pleasant tingling, making you shudder a bit. Alphys looks pleased with you.

"Good!" She exclaims, clapping her hands together, "Now keep that warmth in mind and center it," Your eyes are squeezed shut as all your energy goes to your chest.

"Push that energy forward, I know it'll feel weird but the sensation passes quickly enough," Your eyes open and you take a deep breath. Your soul floats out of your chest and you feel like your body is being torn apart. You gasp loudly, but like Alphys said, the sensation was over in seconds. You stare at your soul, mesmerized. It's a black and red ombré heart that glows so brightly you almost have to squint. Undyne shields her good eye and Papyrus stares at it, just as entranced as you are.

Fearlessness (UF!Papyrus x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now