School End!

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~Irina's POV~

I see the two reluctantly get up from their spot and start making their way to my room. I can't believe I was able to catch that, I knew there was something they weren't telling me. I never knew why I was so enthralled by the thought of those two being together, probably cause of Karma spilling his guts at me, that poor poor soul.

I hear knocking at my door "Come in you two!", then I see them walk in and take a seat at my desk, both sweating bullets. Oh, it's adorable seeing these kids acting like I'm such a big bad monster, I'm probably the nicest teacher here. Hell, half the time I let kids off with a mere warning because I'm too lazy to do the paperwork for suspension.

"So out of anywhere you could've done that, outside the school really strikes your fancy?" I see Nagisa kind of hesitate to speak "W-we didn't mean for anyone to see us. You just happen to have seen us.". Yeah, no duh, shortie. I sigh and start to tap desk "So, what should I do with you two? Cause you're not getting out of this without any punishments. 'Specially you, girly, this is your first day back!"

"Stop being a dick, how about that." Karma answered, making me wanna smack him "Redhead, I will hit you so hard you won't even be able to recognize your boyfriend.". I can see Nagisa shiver in his seat a bit; my god that kid is such a wimp.


~Nagisa's POV~

I know she isn't going to do anything but by god, does this women know how to get into your head. After an excruciatingly long five minutes; yes, five minutes. She let us go with a small warning and told us to be glad it wasn't another teacher that saw us. She's not wrong but I still hate it.

Once we were a good distance away from the office I angrily punch Karma "You're so lucky I'm in a good mood today." I say and he just rolls his eyes and stays silent. Is he...embarrassed? I feel myself getting mischievous ideas, which is rather unusual for me.

I poke him in the arm "What's wrong? Turns out that maybe it isn't such a good idea to kiss me during the school day?" I tease. By the small yelp I hear come out of his mouth, I seem to have hit a nerve. Hastily he gives me a small shove away from him; small for him at least. I nearly fall over but I managed to stay up.

He stubbornly looks away from me, muttering to himself. As frustrated as he gets sometimes, he's still cute when he's angry. Is it weird that I think that? I dunno, I might be. After all I was in the 'Assassination Classroom' (Roll credits.) for a year so saying I'm weird is barely scrapping the surface.

I grab his hand and give him a smile in a hope to calm him down; he doesn't need to be pissed off before class.


~Karma's POV~

I never usually feel embarrassment; whenever I do it's usually intense and right now is one of those moments. Professor Bitch wasn't even that harsh so why am I like this? I look over to Nagisa and see his cute little smile, I know it's forced but hey it's better than nothing.

Eventually we get back to class, we don't share this hour. Me and Itona share this class and as quiet as he is, whenever he does speak he has this mysterious yet interesting aura around him...he also sells me magazines from time to time which is nice of him, I'll spare you the details of the kind of magazines.

"So, Karma. How have you been doing lately?" Itona says in his monotone yet very soothing voice "I've been doing fine, how about you?"
"Terasuka and I have been hanging out a lot like usual and I've been making ramen with Sousuke and hoping to make a better recipe."
"Any progress?"
"No, he's too much of an idiot."

I let out a quiet chuckle and look back at the teacher, teaching science. Science is boring, as much as I wanna care about my human body and stuff, I also wanna learn about something more interesting like English! Or technology.

The class took went by fairly quick with small talk between me and Itona about recent events; his life wasn't took interesting he said, I sadly can not relate. Afterwords we walk out of class and I search around for my blue haired assassin, it actually took awhile to find him in the crowd. He was talking with Isogai, they looked to be having a good conversation so I stood back and watched them talk.


~Isogai's POV~

"How are things between you and Maehara?" Nagisa said in a caring voice, he was always very kind to me and if I wasn't already in love with my little ginger then I'd be down to date him; what's also stopping me is that if Karma were to find out I was flirting then I'm sure I wouldn't be able to walk anymore; or live.

"We're doing great, he's so nice to me. Recently he bought me a bracelet with a real diamond on it! He says he's been saving up for months!" Nagisa's jaw literally drops, making me giggle quietly. Suddenly, I notice the redhead in the background watching us, I hope he's not getting the wrong idea.

I try my best to not sound frightened by Karma's scary presence; already feeling myself shake isn't a good sign. "You wanna hang out sometime soon?" He asked and I nodded and told him to meet me at a ice cream place we always go to.

"Anyway, I should get heading out. Karma's probably looking for me- oh there he is!" Then I see him wave and run off to his boyfriend, making me automatically let out a huff of relief. Soon after I spot my boyfriend and land a kiss on his cheek "Let's go to my house and I can hopefully gather some stuff to make us some spaghetti." I suggest and he nods.

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