Drama Time!

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(This isn't half as fluffy as the other chapters, but hey, every story has to have some sort of drama. Right?)

~Karma's POV~

It was already pretty late when I left the bitch's house so I might just stay outside for awhile. It's a nice night outside after all, it'll be nice to enjoy it. I walk amongst the quiet and empty town, going from street light to street light.

I stumble upon Nagisa's house and hear what sounds like shouting coming from inside. What could possibly be going on this late in the night? I look and see they have the windows covered with blinds so I'm only able to hear it

"What the hell were you thinking?! Dating a boy; dating at all for that matter! Do you know how angry I am right now?!" It was a masculine voice, it sounded nothing like a women. Who could it possibly be? Suddenly, I hear crying followed by an actual feminine "Stop! Let the boy be!" What? I thought it was her who was the crazy one. I then hear a voice I know all too well "Just leave me alone!" A sound comes from the front door, followed by frantic footsteps and two shouting adults. What the hell happens in this house hold?

I see Nagisa run down the block in just some teddy bear pajamas. It was difficult to watch. He spots me and stops dead in his tracks, giving me just a moment to see his tear drenched eyes lit up by the moonlight. He turns back away and runs off into the night, I hastily get up and chase after him, catching him about a block down.

"What are you doing here? Go away! This doesn't concern you!" He yells with a sad yet angry emotion in his voice, I don't reply because I know anything I'll have to say now will be taken the wrong way. I'm pissed at his parents but I'll just have to do something about that later, for now all I care about is my little Nagisa! I look off into the distance to see the two parents still arguing, the light from inside the house just barely showing silhouettes of them.

I look back to Nagisa and reassuringly smile, kissing him on the cheek "Cmon, let's go."
"W-what? But they'll get mad at me! And- and!" I put a finger over his lip, moving it soon after and kissing them "They seem busy, no reason to keep you here just to stress out. Besides, I know you wouldn't mind staying at my house for awhile." I swear, his blush began to light the night when I said that. I saw a small nod and I pick him up, carrying to him to my house

"I can walk by myself!!" He complains half way to my house, making me smirk and kiss him, forcefully making him quiet down "Just hush." Then out of nowhere I hear a song play, coming from Nagisa. He shakily sighs and pulls out the phone "Hello? M-mom, hi! Dad's gone now...? Well, I'm kinda going somewhere right now....w-where?" He chocks at the last part, looking at me like he's asking what to say. I roll my eyes and grab the phone from him, placing him on his feet. He freezes entirely when I put the phone to my ear and say "Wassup, Ms. Shiota."

I hear silence on the other end then what sounds like a sigh of relief "Karma? That's you, right?"
"...Thank you." My eyes widen at that, nearly causing me to drop the phone. This isn't the mother of Nagisa that I know. After telling her where we're going, she hesitantly agrees, hanging up soon after "Well...let's go, Nagisa."

~Nagisa's POV~

Tonight has been eventful, almost too eventful. I hate it, but I suppose Karma has made it at the very least bearable. He had picked me back up once he handed my the phone, now playing with my hair while we walk. I pout when he pulls on a few strings of my hair, making me look up at him "What do you want, Karma?" I ask quietly
"I just wanted to know how you're feeling after that whole ordeal, seemed pretty tough. Especially what your dad yelled about." To be honest, I barely remember how it started but I explained to the best of my ability "Well I believe it started with my mother telling my father about you and I. They argued for about an hour before I got into the mix, by then you probably heard what happened."

He sympathetically kisses my forehead, smiling with just a single tear in his eye "I....I'm sorry to had kept you waiting, something came up with me." It's very rare I see Karma have any signs of crying, almost making me think he's incapable of doing so. I smile and wrap my arms around his chest "It's fine. By now, I'm used to having more than questionable parents." He places a hand over his mouth to muffle his laugh, making me smile.


What a night it's been. A night where walking into Karma's house seems like even more of a blessing than usual. This place has some kind of aura surrounding it, it's almost heavenly just how relaxing it can be; quite ironic the person in it is the polar opposite of that. At least to most people he is, but he has a special place in my heart. It's weird to think out of anyone I could've dated, it's Karma. I've never had a thing for bad boys...oh god that sounds so- know what, as I was saying.

Karma finally puts me down, placing my on his bed and laying on me. He kicks his shoes off and cuddles me, holding me closely and making it just slightly hard to breath "K-Karma, you're gonna kill me." I mutter and he replies with a chuckle, loosening his grip and yawning "I love you, my Nagisa.."
"Your Nagisa?"
"All mine."
"Doesn't that sound the slightest bit creepy to you?"
"No, why?"

Finally, he quietly sings me a lullaby 'You are my sunshine' to be exact. I've never really been sung lullabies, even as a kid I wasn't sung any, so to hear one now is both relaxing and slightly heart wrenching. He ends the song with a kiss on my forehead and I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep. Before I finally pass out I hear Karma whisper "I can't believe I actually just did that..." whilst hiding his face.

"It was...great, Karma." Are the last words I speak, then I fall asleep.

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