f i v e

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(Authors note: Big thank you to
for all the help with this chapter!)

"Emma! Hurry up I wanna get to Canes I'm starving whore!" yelled Olivia. I am sitting on my bed contemplating  which outfit to wear. It was between high waisted light wash mom jeans and a black bandeau top or a black skirt with a black rose bralette with a white star mesh top above it and for both outfits a white NYU windbreaker on. "Oliviaaaa" I call dragging out the 'a'. "I need your help!" I yell out to her. Ten seconds later Olivia came rushing in. 

"whats wrong girl" she says with with a smile on her face

"I don't know which outfit to wear. I haven't been to a party in forever" I say with a nervous laugh 

"hmm" she says and taps her foot while thinking "I'd go with the one with the mesh star top" she finished pointing to that outfit. "It's a party its bound to get hot in more ways than one" she said walking away with a wink. 

"O my god Olivia! Shut the fuck up!" I yelled as she closed my door laughing.

Well she was right though. I change into that outfit throw on my Doc Martins a chain chocker and a layer of lipgloss just incase. I had my hair in double french braids with a couple strands in front of my face. I looked in the mirror not to disappointed in how I look which is new. I walk out of my room into the living room. 

"Who's driving?" I ask

"I will I don't feel like I'm gunna drink to much tonight. Plus I can handle my liquor unlike some people here" Olivia says with a mischievous smirk.

"Yeah yeah we get it Liv I'm a fucking light weight." I say rolling my eyes as I laugh. "Lets just go. But I call the AUX" I say with a laugh heading to the door.

"Hey that's not fair!" She screeched with a laugh

"To bad bitchass!" I laugh. 

She unlocks the car and we pile in and start driving. Apparently Ellie, Hannah and James already picked up Hunter and were waiting for us at Canes. Sometimes I don't know why we choose to go to Canes all the time. I can't ever get anything there besides fucking bread but oh well. Lets get this fucking bread I guess. We walk in and the others were sitting at a table in the front. 

"Hi sisters!" James squealed

"Hey James!" Olivia said 

"Damn you guys look fan-fucking-tastic" Ellie said with a smile. 

"You're one to talk Miss. I-modeled-for-like-5-years!" I say with a laugh. 

"We already ordered your bread Emma just an FYI." Hannah says with a smile

"Why did you only get her bread?" Hunter asked genuinely confused 

"Oh you don't know" I say with a chuckle. "I'm Vegetarian" 

Hunter looks at me surprised and we all laugh. We continued casual conversation as we ate until it was time to head to the game. We all paid for our tickets, but even with the Student discount the tickets still like 40 bucks which is way to fucking much if you ask me though we did get bomb ass seats. It was the first row behind the benches of players not playing near the the opposing teams touchdown area. I sat at the Middle next to Ellie and Meredith Mickelson. Ugh fuck me. Don't even get me started on her. She is a total fucking bitch. Another girl who went to High school with me Ellie and the Twins. Hannah lived in Michigan and I didn't meet her till Freshman year of collage but we became friends quick. Same with James and Olivia but James was born and raised here in New York and Olivia was born in Belgium and moved to Dallas Texas when she was young. Anyway back on the topic of Meredith. She was Ethan's girlfriend, fuck buddy thing from Sophomore year till now I think. Even when her and Ethan were official she would cheat on him constantly but he would never break up with her. I don't completely blame him either. She is drop dead gorgeous. With bright green eyes, long blonde hair, and 5'10 so she had beautiful long legs compared to my short ass. She would harass Ellie and I constantly through out high school. Suddenly the crowd erupted in Boo's and Mild applause. I got so lost in though I missed the other team score a touch down. I'm pretty sure we were playing our rival team UCLA. The game dragged on with the other team scoring about 3 more touch downs but they missed all four of there field goals and Jackson, Grayson and Ethan scored a touch down each and tied up the game. There was about 2 minutes left on the clock and UCLA was about to score another touch down. Suddenly Ethan intercepts the throw and starts running, with everything he had to the other side of the field. Dodging tackles left and right.

"Oh my fucking god he's gunna do it!" Screamed Ellie

"Go Daddy 2!" James yelled 

"Go E!" Hunter yelled 

"Go Ethan!" Yelled Hannah, Ellie and Olivia as he was at the 30 yard mark

"Come on Ethan Go! You got this!" I yelled while jumping up and down cheering.

I heard Meredith scoff as she turns back to the game but not before she says in my ear. "Shut it bitch".

"Bite me bitch" I say chopping my teeth at her as Ethan scores the winning touch down. 

We all cheer as he comes back to the crowd of guys near our seats smashing there chest together shouting in excitement. He soon runs over the stands near us. 

"Nice job Ethan" Hunter says with a smile high fiveing him.

"Yeah congrats Ethan, you didn't fuck up for once" I say sending him a smirk.

"Wow can't even be nice for one minute to give me a proper congratulations how rude" He says with a hand over his heart acting hurt.

"Oh shut it your just acting like a big baby" I say laughing. 

"Well unlike this bitch here I think you did fantastic" Meredith chimes in with a scoff and I just roll my eyes.

"Thanks Mer" Ethan says with a small chuckle.

"Now go and get ready and meet us at the party" Ellie chimed in.

Everyone laughed as they ran to the locker rooms. And we slowly start exiting the stadium and into our cars still talking about the big win. Once we made it to the party it was already fucked up. Beer bottles every where in the front lawn. Along with a pungent stench of god knows what drug is being smoked. Our group files in and we start grabbing drinks. About 4 shots later I was on the dance floor drunk and ready to dance when over the speaker yells some guy "And there is the star player himself! Granting us the big win and the reason for this party tonight! Ethan Dolan and the Football team!" the guy yells and everyone cheers. "Now lets get this party started!" He yells as he blares the song 679 by Fetty Wap. I with Hannah and Ellie for who knows how long. Ellie, drunk off her ass, was grinding with some random dude, and Hannah was grinding with, Hunter! Why am I not surprised. I left the dance floor to get another drink. I filled my cup with a Gin and Tonic. As I walk back to the dance floor someone bumps into me and makes me spill my whole drink.

"The fuck" I slur out as I look up seeing Ethan "Oh it's you" I say with a scoff

"Watch it Chamberlain" Ethan slurs out 

"Me watch it! Your the one who ran into be dumbass" I yell out trying to size up to him.

"Oh whatever Chamber-bitch" Ethan said as he rolled his eyes

"Ugh I hate you!" I yell annoyed off my ass.

"Oh you love me Chamberlain" He said with a smirk

"You wish! You are in love with me!" I snap back

"Oh what fucking ever Chamberlain." He said and suddenly a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

Little did I know the next four words that were to come out of his mouth would change everything

(Authors Note: My first of many cliff hangers of this book! Ah! Anyway sorry about last chapter it was kinda dumb and random but oh well I hope you like this! )

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