Forever Loved, Cared, And Protected.

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February 18, 2012. 10:51 pm


(Our teacher in English 4 asked us to write a story in relation to Avril Lavigne's song, When You're Gone. So, here is my story.)

Forever Loved, Cared, and Protected

 by Ivan Rose Padilla Balano.


Holding hands while walking along those cemented pathways.. Having cups of coffee late at night.. Laughters.. And the comfort and assurance that I felt whenever I'm with that guy.. The things that we used to do are hard to forget but also, whenever I remember them, regrets flood through my thoughts:

"I wish I treasured each passing second I had with him."

"I wish I haven't done those things he didn't like at all."

"I wish I've loved him enough. Enough to repay his great love for me."

I wish.. I wish I had more time: another day, another week, another month, another year, another decade with him. Another lifetime I could spend with my one and only."

But I could only wish. ;(

It started with a text. He introduced himself and we became friends. We hang out often and knew each other very well. Eventually, after weeks of courtship, he confessed and admitted his feelings for me. I did the same. What can I do? He's very irresistable. And I love him, too.

Each day, he never fails to express his great love for me. He often gives me bouquet of red roses (my favorite) and boxes of chocolate (also my favorite) even if there's no special occassion. He even told me to get used to it because by the time that we are married, he would do all those things everyday. Wow.

One night, I dreamt of the two of us in an accident. But that horrible dream turned to reality...

I woke up laying on a soft bed, I can feel it. A hospital room, I thought. I can smell medicines everywhere! Pain numbed my whole body. I cannot see! I cannot see! I was very frightened, I cannot see! And that same time that I realized I was blind, I also realized that I have a newly-sewn cut on my chest, near my heart. The pain hurts most on that part.

I called for my mother loudly. I did not care about the posibility that it's already the middle of the night and everyone might be asleep. All I did was to shout and call for my mother, 'til my throat can no longer take it. Then I heard people running towards my room, opened the door, and went inside. Someone brushed my hair with bare hands. My mom, I thought, I knew it from her touch.

I cannot stop the tears from falling. My eyes hurt already but they just keep on flowing and flowing. She hushed me, told me not to cry anymore, and try not to speak. But I asked her still, "What happened, Mom? Where's Ryuzaki?" I heard my mom sob. I thought she won't tell me the truth. "Mom, tell me!" I forced her to tell me. She paused for a while and that time, I knew she would. "Notice that cut on your chest? That one near your heart?" She waited for me to answer, but I did not. Then, still sobbing, she continued, "Your heart malfunctioned because of the accident. Ryuzaki was dying because of head injury and he said that since his heart is well, he asked my permission if he could give you his heart when he die so that you will live, and carry him each day God permits you to wake up. He gave you his faithfulness. His sincerity. His care. His love."

I tried to cry and burst my feelings out. I wanted to ask mom a lot o' things, but I couldn't. All I'm able to do was to be in shock. I stared at my mom, touching the deep cut on my chest with my right hand. I couldn't believe what my mom had said. No, I should not. I know he is alive, he's still alive. Deep in my heart, he is. And then the truth struck me.

Yes, my boyfriend for five years is dead. It hurts me so much to think that he's gone. It feels like I can't live without him. But I must, for my myself, for my mom, for his heart. Our memories won't die, won't fade. He'll be forever in my head, and in my heart. In my heart that once belonged to him. In my heart, in OUR heart. This way, it would be like I can actually feel what he felt.

Truly, I know that he really did love me--til the day he went away. Until the day he was gone. And now, my boyfriend for five happy long years is a boyfriend no more. But his heart will forever rest in my chest - FOREVER LOVED, CARED, AND PROTECTED. Ü

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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