our little secret (Cameron)

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Cameron went to the mall with the guys he asked if I wanted to go I told him I didn't feel like getting dirty looks and stuff he understood.

I was wearing my long hair in a pony tail a LETS MAKE OUT sweater and leggings I had on normal make up just not ALOT of eye shadow.

I walked around the house. for a while and cleaned up.



we were all in zales looking at chains and stuff.

hey Nash." yea bro?" do you think it's to early?  "what do you mean do you think it's to early? " to ask Y/N to marry me I really love her and I think I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her.

you two have been together for 3 years I think it's the right time to ask. "are you sure I hope she doesn't think different it would embarrass me so bad" 

go for it if your ready then she will be c'mon let's get a ring.

I picked out the perfect diamond ring it wasn't to big nor to small it was perfect for her small fingers.


she walked in from the hall she looked cute in her lazy outfits.

come here baby I have to show you what I bought.

she walked over smiling.

I showed her the shirts and stuff then I got out the box "please don't freak out and screw up Please don't "I whispered to my self.

what's wrong babe? "oh um nothing I have to show you somthing.

I got on my knee and pulled the box out Y/N M/M (idk wh to put for the middle and last namw so M is last for me)

will you marry me?? she covered her mouth and said yes Cameron Lee Dallas I will marry you I put the ring on her finger and picked her up and sat her on the counter.

I love you Y/N so much please don't ever leave me I kissed her once more.

Cameron you couldn't yeet me away she laughed I did to I rubbed her back as our noses touched can I tell you somthing.

sure she smiled.

I fell in love like the way you fall asleep slowly and then all at once.

awe Cameron she began to say she buried  her head in my chest.

I love you Y/N always. always she whispered.

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