Chapter 18: Losing Deal

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They had all gathered back at Yuki's apartment. Mugen already had his equipment strewn all over the living with Yuki on his right working on a neighbouring unit with his glasses on.

The code was simple enough to decipher and they were now creating a sequence to run through all the networks in Japan to trace the origin.

"I never knew you could afford to like this. It's good to have a station." Kain said as she wandered through the apartment, exploring the different rooms till she came to his wardrobe and gasped. "How is it possible that you have more clothes than I do?! "

"Occupational hazard." Yuki grinned to himself as he continued tapping away on the keyboard. "I have to look good."

"You have to look good while you're some hundreds of yards away from vision contact." Kain retorted. "That is just ridiculous."

"I get paid well and I just spend the money well." The assassin laughed.

Kain snorted and rummaged deeper into his piles of boxes. It was not long before she came to a sleek black box. Curious as it was a heavy polished wood box, she opened it and broke into a silly grin.

"This is proof you're a sissy." The female set the box down in front of all of them with such a bang that it woke Chaos who was napping on the couch.

"You make way too much noise." The silver haired male groaned rubbing his sleep laden lids.

"Why do you have a female kimono?" She pulled out the kimono that Massaki had given him after their first night together.

"Where did you get that?!" The assassin snarled the moment he realised what she had found and snatched the kimono back, slamming the lid of the box shut.

"In your closet of course." She snapped at him indignantly. "So?"

"It's nothing." Yuki's grip on the box tightened.

"It's from him, isn't it?" Chaos growled sitting up straighter.

"That's none of your business." Yuki snapped in return.

"He's yakuza, isn't he? And by giving you a kimono, doesn't that mean he wants you as a yakuza wife?" Mugen said thoughtfully, taking a sip of Chaos' brandy only to have the other snatch at it.

Yuki chose not to answer the question and turned his attention back to the monitor.

"You're not seriously considering this proposition, are you?" Chaos was suddenly awake, his question burning with barely contained anger.

Yuki reared on them. "Does it look like I'm about to become his wife? Does it look like we talk and go on dates, drink wine and have dinner? Does it look like that to you?"

There was a moment of silence and all of them froze at Yuki's sudden lashing. Mugen even looked scandalised. They rarely saw the male lose his cool.

"I need a breather." The assassin snatched his jacket off the couch, shutting the door of the apartment with a bang.

He shrugged the leather coat on and stomped out of the building into the streets, lighting a cigarette as he went. Yuki did not have to walk far before he realised that someone was tailing him. No one should recognise him with his new guise.

"It's not polite to stalk." He tried for ordinary, sounding just like the partially afraid victim.

"Red looks good on you." That sensual drawl felt almost physical.

The assassin whirled around angrily. Massaki was the last person he wanted to see or deal with right now.

"Why are you following me? I said I'm not a piece of meat up for grabs. And I am not a trophy. I will accept the requests to gun you down if there are any. I won't hesitate." Even as he said it, Yuki felt hesitant about his ability to pull of the act. But he hid it well.

"No boss will hire you once I let the word out." The crime lord was almost triumphant when he said it. "I told you I'll corner you till you have no where to turn to but me."

"And I am still one of the best snipers. There will be those who will still pay me to get rid of people." Yuki retorted. "You underestimate me Kokusui. I'm no ordinary assassin."

"I have no interest in the ordinary." He smirked. "But I didn't come here to bicker with you. I came here to warn you."

"I know about you and Feifeng." Yuki said quietly. "I have connections in places too Massaki."

"Feifeng is history. If you think that I made a pact with him to track you down, you're wrong." The crime lord replied. "Feifeng has the means to do what he wants to."

"I don't want to talk about this." Yuki said turning away and walking off.

"Be careful." Was the last thing he heard the crime lord say before he picked up his pace and disappeared round the corner, only coming to a stop after he was two blocks down.

There was beep and a message that popped up on Mugen's screen.

"Shit." Was his only response and pushed Chaos and the couch over before the monitors blew up spraying them with the debris.

Kain rushed out of the kitchen when she heard the explosion. "What the hell happened?!" She demanded as she watched Mugen and Chaos extricate themselves from the bits of glass and debris.

"The message was from top brass. There's nothing we can do." Mugen said sitting up.

"What did they say?" Chaos frowned. The too brass barely bothered with what they did.

"To lay off what Yuki's after." He ran a hand through his bronze coloured hair. "And that we are called back to Italy. Some problems with the mafia back there but we-"

"I know we can't go. But it's an order from the organisation. There's nothing we can do about it." Chaos said defeatedly going limp again on the couch.

"Something's wrong. Let's at least check on pretty boy before we leave." Kain said and there was a sudden mad rush of limbs to the door. "Shit."

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