Chapter 4: Oblivion

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His hand was shaking when he lit his cigarette. The male had been smoking more frequently since he discovered that someone had been tailinghim. It made him feel slightly sick at the thought of it because he was the one who watched people's movements and decide when was the best time to deliver the killing blow. Not the other way around. Frustrated, he lit another cigarette once he finished the first one.

His phone beeped at that moment, startling the male slightly. It only added to his frustration, hating himself from getting all jittery over such trivial matters. How was he expected to finish a job when he couldn't even eliminate one annoying leech? He lit his third cigarette as the limo pulled into the cat park of his apartment. And then he saw the leech, just a split second too slow but enough for the assassin to catch a glimpse of him in the reflective glass of the limousine's window.

He broke into a grin, the mad ecstasy of killing had finally got to him when he thought of shooting the guy limb by limb till he could run no more. Sticking the cigarette into the corner of his lips, Yuki pulled out the Firestar that he had hid in his jacket earlier on. Click went the shutter. Click again. His keen hearing could help him determine the location of his stalker, turning around and firing a clean shot at the photographer, shattering his camera. The assassin fired another shot, to the right, burrowing a hole in the male's left shoulder. He walked over, firing another shot into the right shoulder. The man tried to run, but Yuki was faster. Fast like his name, the wind. He swept a low kick, knocking his victim off balance. He stepped on the injured right shoulder, cold blue eyes stared at the photographer. 

"Who sent you?" Blowing second-hand smoke into the guy's face, causing to cough and cry out in pain when Yuki pressed deeper into the wreck of flesh and bone. His rounds were explosive and he knew the longer the man laid here, the smaller his chances were of ever recovering.

"Look, just tell me alright? I don't have time to waste. I'm a very busy man you see." Wedging the barrel of the pistol in the centre of his victim's eyebrows. "I don't think you'll want to die just yet." 

"Al-Alright! I'll tell you! Just don't kill me!" He pleaded with the assassin, his entire being trembling in fear. "I don't know what his full name is! Only the last name! It's K-Kokusui! That's all I know, please!"

Yuki felt all the calm that had washed over him when he killed vanish at the sound of that man's name. So he had been right after all. 

"Get lost." Yuki growled, kicking the wounded man as he scurried off, not taking a backward glance at the assassin.

He stubbed out the last of his cigarette. This man was starting to get on his nerves. Clutching his head, he felt a migraine explode in the centre of his head. He lit another cigarette and checked his phone. It was another killing deal. And tonight it was at a deserted shipyard where he was supposed to kill only one of the two parties involved. The mafia were used to people dying around them, so he wasn't particularly worried about people seeing him this time round. Though he really wasn't in the best mood or state to take up such a job but when he saw the names of the parties involved, Yuki frowned. Massaki. He took a deep breath from his cigarette, helping him ease his headache a little.

So, he was going after all.

Making his way back up to his apartment, stripped out of the suit, all the way down to his boxers. He downed a vodka cranberry from the home bar before collapsing onto his bed, falling asleep within seconds.

12.45 a.m. 

Yuki had packed his rifle into the same hard case. He had pulled on a black leather jacket and gloves. His long hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, showing his beautiful bone structure clearly, stray strands fell onto either side of his face. He had to walk into the kill zone, his hayabusa's throttle would give him away.

Slinging the hard case across his back, he pulled on his helmet and tore out of the car park. The shipyard was not far from his apartment. He pulled his Hayabusa to a stop about five blocks away and killed the engine. Removing his helmet, he began to make his way to a high ground near the shipyard. This mission had not come with information on the kill zone, so the assassin had come a little earlier so that he could find the perfect spot to open fire from. He located small building that would give him a good range and had a direct unobstructed line of sight of the shipyard.

Lifting his rifle out of the case, Yuki positioned it and calibrated the scope. He took one last look though the scope, just to check, as he was about to look away, he saw someone staring right back at him through the scope. It felt his blood had frozen. It was him. Why had the crime lord arrived so early? The meeting wasn't suppose to take place until an hour later. It struck the assassin as odd, Massaki was alone. A crime lord like him would not go anywhere without his bodyguards. So why was he alone?

Caught up in his thoughts, the assassin did not hear someone creeping up on him. Suddenly, there were two strong sets of hands that pinned his own slender ones behind his back, while the other clamped over his mouth and nose, pressing a cloth against it tightly. The assassin struggled and managed kick one of his assailants but it wasn't enough as the sweet smell of chloroform had caught up with him, and oblivion swallowed the male whole.

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