Chapter 1~ Exiled

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"So you've been in contact with your mother, I see," Adam's six-foot-two frame towered over Sarah's height of five-foot-five.

Sarah kept her eyes down and her mouth shut. 

Adam's chuckle was flavoured with a hint of malice. "All this talk with your mother, but no communication with me?" 

Any response would result in the same outcome. There was no need to waste her breath. 

"You're a rebellious one, aren't you?" Adam inquired as his voice turned sweeter. "You never do what you're told." 

Tears as plump and juicy as her lips, rolled down Sarah's cheeks. She was so terrified. Her hands trembled and something lodged in her throat. 

"Sarah, princess," Adam cooed as he ran his finger across Sarah's jawline. "Why are you crying? We haven't even gotten to the fun part." 

This made Sarah sob even harder. Adam's rough and calloused finger traced itself back to her chin and raised it to meet his face. Even through her blurry vision, Sarah could still make out his sharp features; the jet black hair that placed emphasis on his harsh emerald eyes, and the sharp and straight nose that pointed to his aggressive lips. His jaw was clenched so tight, Sarah thought his teeth would shatter. She wanted to raise her hand and rub out the harsh lines that dominated his face. Just like in her drawings, she wished she could erase all the power, intimidation and dominance that emitted from his face. He was once so handsome, she thought. 

As Adam's eyes roamed over Sarah's vulnerable face, he took advantage of her blank state and stroked a piece of wavy hair behind her ear. 

Without thinking, Sarah winced and stepped back immediately leaving a considerable amount of space between them. 

One of Adam's dark brows rose slowly as his lips did. It seemed to challenge her movement. Instead, he only said, "you forgot to tie that one back," and smiled. 

Sarah knew she had made a mistake. You didn't flinch away from Adam's touch unless you wanted to be punished. As if admitting defeat, Sarah closed her sea-green eyes as a tear escaped. 

And waited for the harsh blow that was to come.

Sarah felt Adam's body close the space between them and felt his hand cupping her chin. He moved them back until he heard Sarah thud against the chipping grey wall. There was no space to escape; she was now sandwiched between the cold and flaky wall and Adam. 

"You're so beautiful," he whispered as his breath fanned across her face. A shiver ran down her spine. Adam moved his fingers from Sarah's chin to cup her face whilst the other hand-still holding his brightly lit cigarette-tightened aggressively on her hip. She inwardly winced at the pain. 

Still with her eyes shut, Sarah felt Adam's lips pressed over her own. His mouth was hard, dry and cracked as he began to kiss her slowly. He grew hungry and demanded entrance immediately. When she didn't part her lips, Adam slammed his body against Sarah's and forcefully tightened his grip even on her face and hip. Sarah gasped out in pain the same time Adam took advantage and slipped his tongue into her mouth. His hands gripped tighter than humanly possible as he hungrily devoured every bit of her. 

Sarah felt sick. Adam's kisses were not sloppy or wet, but they were extremely hard, emotionless and painful. He moved too fast and Sarah felt dizzy trying to keep up. She was so confused. Was he forgiving her or was this part of the punishment? In the end, Sarah slightly parted her lips and occasionally moved to them to create an illusion that she was kissing him back. 

Adam pulled back breathless; his chest rising and falling. She was so close to him and he liked that. She was his and nobody else's. 

"You're so beautiful," he repeated as he loosened his grip. The vulnerable state of his eyes were quickly replaced with anger and outburst "...but not beautiful enough." 

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