All Cuffed Up ;)

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Irene's P.o.v

Would you believe me if I said I'm in love....

My alarm blasted indicating it was time for me to get up. I got up walked to the bathroom and did my normal routine brush my teeth , and shower and then I walked in my closet to find out what to wear.

I picked out my cargo short shorts, my red sweater that says "YMCMB" on it and my red converse . I put my hair in a high ponytail grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and got in jace's car . And he drove off blasting Don't tell em .

"Hey babe" he said putting his hand on my thigh.

And yea yesterday we made it official.

"Hey " I replied kissing his cheek

Sabrina's P.o.v

I took a quick selfie  before I left . Today I was wearing tribal print tights , black crop top , and my all black toms nothin major doe. I had my hair bone straight I grabbed my book bag and went outside and saw luke was already here I got in his car and he drove off.

"Hey babe " he says

"Hiii " I say kissing his cheek

He smiles .

"Yo hyper ass"

"But you love me doe " I say

" Yea you already know" he says

I laugh.

I love Luke like me and him been goin out for 2 years ain't nobody funna break what we have apart.

Tanii's P.o.v

" girl hurry yo ass up !" Junior yelled

"Yell at me one more time !!" I say

Fixing my hair .I flat ironed it bone straight last night. I looked in the mirror one last time. I was wearing my blue skinny jeans that were rolled up at the end, Orange half shirt and my infared 6's . I grabbed my gucci bag and headed downstairs I saw junior standing there on his phone he's wearing his Army pants , black Shirt that says "King Sh*t" on it and his all black Jordan's (13) . He had his diamond studs in and his rolex. and his snap back that says "Kingin" his tyga wanna be ass.

"Bout time yo ass ready " he said

"  Well hi to you to with yo tyga wannabe ass " I said goin outside and waiting by his all black bugatti .

He came behind and said "girl why you gotta have an attitude"

"Cause you always rushin me and Shit and you know I gotta look my best " I said waiting for him to unlock the doors.

"Ard shawty  I gotchu it's just you know I like being early" he said pushing me against the car and kissin my neck.

" Lmfaoo early ? you don't do nothin in school all you do is cuss them teachers out and sleep" I said laughing

"Maneee I gotchu tanii but getcho fat ass in the car" he said laughing and opening the door for me.

" Mhh the fat ass you can't go yo hands on " I said laughing

He got in and drove off  "But you weren't sayin that last night"

"Shut up !" I said laughing

We continued talking and laughing my mornings always fine with junior he my world and I know I'm his too.

Renae's P.o.v

Ayeee did alot shit just to live this here lifestyle !!

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