In the shadows of the old little town, a man was walking silently, mysteriously. He seemed enshrouded in mystery.
As the man wandered through the gloomy streets, a dog barked afar. Suddenly, the barking transformed into a yelp, a last cry for help. The man's hand had formed a fist up in the air. The streets became darker as the man crippled through them.
He then knocked on a door. As it opened an old woman showed a weakened and trembling body. As fast as lightening, the evil and dark figure impaled her with what seemed to be a sharpened piece wood. Blood, red and bright blood fell onto the floor.
Fire rose and covered the man. Black and thick smoke invaded the street. He disappeared. The bloody woman, still lightly breathing, gathered enough energy to let her final word slip through her lips : "kill".
ContoAprès plus d'un an d'absence j'ai eu une vague d'inspiration (Thanatos). C'est très court, une page tout au plus. Ça n'a rien à voir avec Harry Potter non plus. Honnêtement je ne sais pas trop comment qualifier ce texte. D'autres textes s'ajouteront...