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Was life meant to be that way ? Everything I ever did, all I have ever said, was it all leading to this particular moment ? Was it all planed well before I was even born ? Was it all a game, from the start, the very beginning of time ?

"Mommy ?"

Oh no, don't call me that, for tonight I am not your mommy.

"Mommy where are you ?"

Mommy is gone. Mommy will never be the same. Mommy has disappeared.

"I'm scared"

And so you should be.


"Your daughter was so marvellous... What monster could have done that to this poor angel...?"

Sob while you can. Ball like a baby. Why should I care ? I'm the monster, I will always be that monster. What mother could kill her own flesh and blood ?

"How old was she ? 4 or 5 wasn't it ? Oh poor baby..."

Yes, she was 4 years old, but what does it matter ? She's gone now. Never to be seen again. Just a pile of ashes that I will throw in the air so as to give her back to the wild. All this masquerade is too much. All is fake. I can't wait for it to be over.


"Miss please open your door or we will need to use force !"

I know. Please do. Use force. Violence is what I strive for. Violence is my drug, my methamphetamine, my adrenalin. Break the door down, break me down. We shall all break down.

InspiredOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant