Moving Into Our Not So Amazing House

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   As we pulled up the long driveway, I was anxious to see how great the house would be.  I watched as I stopped the car in front of the house.

"We live here?!" Says June as shocked as me.  " I'm not living in this dump. No way in hell."

"Watch you mouth, and you you are living here.  Whether you like it or not," I say to her rude comment on the house.


" No buts let's see if the old people are still inside they said they would be."

"You go, I'm staying in the car."

"Suit yourself," I said stepping out of the car.

The old owners rushed outside with their bags before I even got to the front door.  It was a little odd but I didn't ponder the fact why they did for so long.  They had frightened expressions on there faces.

"Thank gosh you're here!" exclaimed the older woman. " Take the house I never want to see this place or be in it again!"

" Is everything alright ma'am?" I asked worried about her state of mind.

" Just one thing I'm going to warn you about this house," said the older man.  " Don't stay long or bad stuff happens."

Then before I could say anything they rushed past me got into their car and the man drove down the driveway and onto the road like a madman.

I was questioning why he gave me that warning but came to the conclusion that they were just an old and crazy couple.

------BACK AT THE CAR------

I saw my mom get out of the car and watched as an old couple came barreling out of the house.  Their expressions were like they had seen a ghost.

" By the age of this house I bet they did see one." I thought to myself.

I saw the couple talking but didn't decipher what they said or see them talk because just then something caught the corner of my eye.  I quickly looked to where I saw something move and nearly screamed at what I saw.  I saw a girl in the very to window of the house and HELP was spelled out on the window that was coated with dust.  I couldn't believe a couple like them would leave someone behind.

------ BACK TO THE MOM ------

I walked back to the car and told her to start unpacking and she just gaped at me. 

Oh yes your wondering what the house looked like.  I guess I can tell you.  To start off the outside of the house was almost all wooden from pretty much all the blue paint peeling off.  The windows all shattered except the very top one.  Dust coated the whole house like no one had cleaned it in years and the porch was completely rotted so you can't stand on it or you would fall through.  the door was worse than everything else.  A chunk out of the door was missing and it was all rotted and had holes all thought it.  It was muddy and had an old brass doorknob that had rusted and peeled. 

I guess the inside of the house couldn't be any worse.  Boy was I wrong.

Just like the outside, the inside was dusty everywhere but only dust could be more places this time on furniture, shelves, and everywhere you could think of.  All the furniture was old, wooden, and rotted.  The floor creaked everywhere you stepped not matter what.  This place couple definitely use an update.

I told the movers to just put everything in the living room so they did and it was now packed with labeled boxes. 

"well, now comes the part where we unpack," I said mostly to myself as I opened the first box labeled 'Kitchen.'

Posessing June *On Hold/Editing*Where stories live. Discover now