Chapter 1(Rewritten)

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((I thought that the first chapter needed a little rewriting. So I'm making things a bit different. I hope you all enjoy and chapter two will be up soon))

((This will also take place during "Act 4, Scene 15" episode))

At Millard Fillmore Junior High, Jake and his friends, Trixie Carter and Arthur Spudinski or Spud as his friends call him, were in the computer lab as they discussed the magical Egyptian scarab beetle Jake and his grandfather Lao Shi managed to grab last night. It's been a few days since Trixie and Spud learned that their friend was a dragon, and they're still new to this whole 'magic being real' thing.

"So, you're sayin'...that bug can actually bring junk to life?" Trixie asked Jake.

"That's what my gramps says." He replied.

"You need to hold it over Spud's head and wake up some of them brain cells." Trixie noticed Spud was reading his book upside down.

"Good luck, these little dudes are heavy sleepers." Spud said, tapping on his head and then leans on Trixie, much to her discomfort. "Oh, they're so cute when they're sleepy."

Jake looked over his shoulder and noticed his big time crush, Rose, was walking into the computer lab as he stared at her flirtatiously. "Oh, smoking"

"Hey, yo, ga ga boy." Trixie said, elbowing her friend back to his senses. "If you're still hot for that Rose girl, just ask her out already." "Ask her out? No way trix mac daddy jake just gotta play it cool" He said as he slicks his hair back.

Jake gets up from his seat and looks at Trixie. "Watch and learn" he said. He walks over to rose who was currently typing away on one of the computers but he soon crashes into someone that causes both of them to fall to the floor. "Hey!, what where your going dude" jake said as he slowly got up from the floor and looked at who he bumped into. The boy was at least a year older then jake, he had black hair with purple highlights and was wearing a black shirt, cargo pants, and black sneakers. The boy was about the same height as Jake as he got up from off the floor and dusted himself off while giving Jake an annoyed look.

"Maybe you should pay more attention next time" the boy said. Jake looked at the boy and guessed that he had to be new to the school since he's never seen him before. However, he didn't like the new kid's tone. "Well maybe you be more careful" Jake said.  Both of them were glaring at each other for a few moments before the new kid walked away and headed outside.

((Outside the school))

"Why the heck did I agree to go to this stupid school. 'Jin it's important to be with other kids your age' he says 'Jin, be sure to make some friends', 'Jin, don't let anyone see you use your dragon powers' " The boy known as Jin said as he lets out a frustrated sigh. He and his father had just moved to New York a few days ago from Ohio. He didn't want to move as he was enjoying living in Ohio and his friends. But his dad was offered an executive position in New York and he couldn't refused. Today he was suppose to go to some crummy electronic shop to meet the American Dragon and his master. This would be the first time Jin has ever met other dragons other then his father.

He lets out a sigh as he soon went back into the school and went to the rest of his remaining classes for today. When the bell rang, him quickly left and headed to the address his dad gave him to where the Canal Street Electronics was. After a few minutes of walking around, jin soon stood in front of the store. He opens the door and heads right inside the shop. The whole place looked like something you would see from watching a show about hoarders.

"Hello? My name is-YOU!" Jin said as he pointed at Jake who had dropped the mop he had in his hand after nearly kissing it when he was daydreaming about rose. His eyes widen when he saw jin and pointed right at him. "YOU!!"

((End of Chapter 1))

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