chapter 6

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I look over her mound and burn into her with my gaze. "You will come for me."

Then I descend on her again mercilessly. My mouth nibbles at her bud. My finger curls to tease over her g-spot. She twists her fingers in my hair, undecided about whether to push me away or pull me closer. The tugging burns at my scalp, but I don't stop. I can feel the tiny contractions, an unsteady beat leading up to her full climax.

I bury my face in her cunt, sucking and licking and eating until her reluctant little body finally gives way. She shouts into the night, a praise to the heavens that's meant for me. It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Feeling her pussy squeeze around my finger while her clit dances beneath my tongue is the sweetest thing I've ever felt. I've pleasured women countless times in the past, but I've never really enjoyed it. It's always felt like a duty, something I give to get what I want. Most girls will blow you if you eat them out first. The girls who blew me first, well, they've been shit out of luck. But this is entirely different. I don't want reciprocation. I just want Althea to enjoy her first time having a man eat her pussy. I want her to crave it—to be ruled by this feeling. I want her to dream about it and touch herself when I'm not around to thoughts of my mouth on her. I've never wanted that from any woman ever before.

I lick her cream from my lips, looking at her small panting frame. My cock is leaking down the side of the bed where I've been kneeling. As I watch her pussy contract with the last few breaths of her orgasm, I know I can't wait to be inside of her. I have to claim her. Now.

I stand, towering over her, my dick in my hand. She looks like an angel, her short hair spread across the comforter, her eyes closed. That doesn't last for long, though. As soon as she looks at me and figures out my intentions, panic takes over. I step forward, and she pulls herself up and away from me, curling into a ball and shutting me out.

"No," she says in a small voice.

"No?" I quirk my head back.

She doesn't realize it yet, but no isn't an option.


Too fast. Everything is moving too fast. I barely know this man's name, and I've already allowed him to bury his tongue between my legs.

It wasn't unpleasant. In fact, it was actually pretty amazing. But this isn't what I want at all. And I don't mean him. I definitely want him. I mean this. This non-traditional...whatever it is. It's making me feel like a hoebag—like a piece of meat. But most of all, like his words about this not being just sex weren't sincere.

"Not like this, Gavin." My eyes flutter up to meet his. I feel so weak and vulnerable naked on his bed.

"I don't think you understand how this works." He sits on the side of the bed, speaking to me as if I'm a child. "I bought you. You belong to me now. You'll give me what I want."

"And I don't think you understand that I'm a human being." Tears assault my eyes as I curl further into myself. How can he be so cold? Is it really so black and white to him?

His stern expression breaks at the sight of my tears, and he looks away as if seeing them makes him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

At least he's capable of apologizing. Up until a few minutes ago, I didn't think he was the type to ever say sorry for anything. It's a reminder that there's still so much about him that I don't know—that he's a stranger. But it does give me hope that he might be a good person beneath it all.

"Surely you know that this is all very strange to me." I try to sneak off the bed to get my clothes, but when he looks back at me, his gaze freezes me in place.

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