chapter 14

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Last night was incredible. Not just the crazy sex we had before we went to bed, but the lingering need that he had for me afterward. I've never felt more desired and wanted in my entire life. Every time he'd push inside of me and take what he wanted, he'd cuddle me afterward as if he just couldn't stand for our bodies to be parted. My heart swirled with warmth from his affection, even as the spot between my thighs ached from overuse.

I wonder if it will be like this with us every night. If it is, I doubt I could ever possibly want for something more. A handsome, wealthy, powerful man who will always protect me and can't keep his hands off of me. It's everything I dreamt it would be.

Instead of immediately going to retrieve my phone when it went off this morning, I sprawled out, my hand blindly reaching for Gavin. When I extended it all the way and didn't touch him, I opened my eyes to find him missing. I wasn't prepared for how sad I felt from not having him beside me.

Thinking he might have gone downstairs, I quickly rolled out of bed and went to check my phone. My eyes widened as I saw the notification from my bank saying I'd received the money that Gavin had promised. Just seeing all those zeros made me feel dizzy. The most I've ever had at once was forty dollars from an accumulation of five's and ten's that relatives slipped into cards for my sixteenth birthday. I remember using it to take my mom out to eat. Even though I had wanted to spend it on this dress I saw at the mall, I thought she deserved a nice evening for all the hard work she put into supporting us. The memory of her moaning at the taste of the food and the smile on her face when we shared a dessert meant more to me than the dress ever could have.

I wondered if she'd smile like that again when I hand her a check for half of what's in my account. I won't really need the money once I move in with Gavin, and it's definitely looking like things are headed in that direction.

Once the shock of getting the notification wore off, I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I smelled like a come dumpster, and my body was still sticky from the remnants of our coupling.

I smiled as I lathered myself with Gavin's soap, hoping he wouldn't mind me using it. He had better not mind. Now that we're a couple, we're going to be sharing a lot of things. If there's one thing I've learned about him so far, it's that he doesn't like sharing. I hope that doesn't extend to trivial items like shampoo and toothpaste, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough.

Once I was clean and toweled off, I searched the house for Gavin. Naked. Maybe if I surprise him like this, he'll know what I want for breakfast, I thought lecherously.

But I soon discovered that he was gone, and that made me frown. I didn't even see the note he left me until I returned to the bedroom to clothe myself. It said that he had to go to work. Of course, he did. You don't acquire all this wealth sitting on your ass all day.

I picked up the key and watched the sunlight glint off of its bronze surface. Somehow, holding it in my hand made this feel more real. He's given me access to come and go as I please, though I'm certain he'd rather me stay and never leave. This means something important, I thought as I placed the key on my keyring.

Everything is still moving so fast. Too fast for me to keep up. Gavin has proven that if I don't come to him at night, he'll find me. For that reason, I needed to go home and tell my mother what's going on, though I still have no clue how to explain it.

The entire bus ride home, I again tried to come up with a plausible scenario. Having the money definitely helps. Maybe I'll go with my first idea, to tell her that I'm moving in with one of my co-workers. I wonder if she'd be disappointed that I'm not going to stay and help with half of the rent. Oh well. At least, with me gone, she'll be able to downsize into a smaller apartment. She also won't have my food expenses to worry about. And the money that I give her should help her for a while.

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