Your thoughts after meeting them ( Autobots )

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I can't believe that I'm attracted to a giant alien robot, he's so tall and handsome, and he's so good at leading his team.


Great, I almost get kidnapped by a giant evil robot after my already crazy day, at least I was saved by a good giant robot, even though he's cranky I would like to get to know him better.


Wow, I knew that there were giant alien robots but I never expected to actually meet one, espassily a hot one who's a badass.


I had no idea that my younger cousin, Raf, had giant alien robots as friends, his guardian is super cute and the best part is me and Raf are the only humans who can understand him.


Okay, I did NOT expect to see a car that is actually a giant alien robot, although he is fun to be around, maybe it won't be so bad getting to know him.


Great, I go for a walk in the woods and see two giant alien robots fighting, at least the green one is nice, I should get to know him better.


Wow, I met a giant alien robot who can transform into a car, my life can't get any more strange, at least he's fun to be around, despite that he likes blowing things up.

And he's hot.

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