What dating them includes ( Autobots )

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- Him telling you stories about his time as Orion Pax

- Romantic dates

- Cuddling in his berthroom or your bedroom

- You reminding him to relax every so often


- You calming him down after someone makes him mad

- Him telling you what the medical tools he uses are for

- Him taking you out for drives

- You braiding his hair

- You reminding him to get some fresh air every day


- Cuddling, lots and lots of cuddling

- Playing video games together

- Searching for shapes in the clouds

- Him telling you how beautiful you are

- Both of you calling each other cute nicknames


- Doing each other's hair

- You calming her down after she has a nightmare

- Watching the sunset together

- You reminding her that you're not going to be taken from her

- Baking sweet treats together

- Long cuddling sessions


- Him taking you out for drives

- You telling him to slow down

- Cuddling and snuggling

- Him taking you to a few street races


- Him taking you out to your favorite concerts/movies

- You helping him to keep Miko under control

- Watching movies together

- Occasionally cuddling together


- Him taking you on a flight in the Jackhammer

- Him flirting with you

- You telling him not to blow everything up

- You slapping his holoform's butt whenever you want

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