Letters part 1

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Have you ever wondered what any helpless prey must be thinking as it sets its eyes upon a predator. Well I had a fairly good idea as my thoughts ran crazily throughout my mind. Donovan's dark eyes watched me, frowning while his jaw was stiff. We we're alone and not another sound could be heard in the house other than my raging heart and ragged breath. He crossed his arms as he pursued his lips. His face didn't portray any sign of emotion.

"Let's go upstairs," his voice was low. He stood up to his towering height and before he could approach me I too was on my feet. His hand latched onto mine, each of his knuckles trapping my own. I tried to imagine how many times his knuckles connected to my skin aggressively. Was I able to count the number of times he inflicted pain on me with just his hands.

The stairs cried out from the strain of our weight. Each step louder than the other, until finally it was silent. He held the bedroom door open and I could feel his eyes follow me as I passed. The door closed loudly making me jump, but I didn't turn I was praying that he would head straight for the shower and I could pretend to fall asleep while he wasn't present.

"Where did he touch you?" His voice sounded from behind me but I knew he was a short distance away from me.

"Who?" Was my simple question, evading or delaying giving an answer could be extremely idiotic or dangerous.

"Emmett, his scent followed you when we left the sitting room. That means he touched you to leave his smell on you." I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Goosebumps spread across my skin, I knew I had every right to be scared. "I will ask you again, where did he touch you?"

"He just hugged me, it was a simple gesture between family. He was upset earlier, that's all Don," I began to ramble, quickly throwing out his name knowing it would please him.

"That bastard just wanted sympathy from you because his mate died on this day a few years ago." He grabbed my shoulders spinning me around to look him in the eyes. They were pitch black, predatory and the underlining message that he was ready to strike was there. I gulped in fear, I was so screwed.

"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot and I wouldn't do my research on my mate? I know he has a claiming contract with you! He thinks you resemble her and he's jealous that I have a mate and he doesn't." My eyes widened at the realization that he knew the whole time.

"He blackmailed me into it! He caught me stealing, do you really think that I would willing agree to something like that?" My voice wavered slightly from the panic that was controlling me. His eyes looked down at the blinking red light that was tight around my neck. His arms went behind me and I was unable to see what he was doing. He fumbled with the back of my collar, it wasn't until he pulled his hands away with it did I realize that it was off. It dangled from his hand unblinking, the anchor that weighed my shoulders down wasn't so heavy or restricting anymore. Yet there still was a weight tied to me, the lock invisible and floating inside of me unable to be pinpointed.

"You might not have wanted the relationship with him but he did with you. I'm sure you know by now humans are easily overpowered by werewolves. I'm uncomfortable when you're left alone with him you're easily taken advantage of," his voice didn't waver but his words taunted me. He was indirectly telling me that with his experience of having power over me was what he was concerned about, that someone else might be able to do the same.

Without hesitation my hand shot up and came crashing down on his face. Tears welled in my eyes, I hadn't even recognized that his words had such a huge impact on me. "Don't you dare talk about me like that! I've put up with your abusive shit for long enough."

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