Chapter 3

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Ariana POV

"Alois please?" I begged. I really don't want Hannah here she's gonna take Alois soul and screw Claude over. I wasn't gonna let it happen NOPE! My Alois now BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

"I mean Hannah's practically useless anyways, Claude does all the work!" I reasoned.

"No, even though she is bloody useless, she's still needed to keep the triplets in check." God damnit the triplets. I completely forgot about them. UGHHHH! It's like the world is against me saving him.

I followed them all to the dinner table for food. Sitting across from me was Alois with a bored ass expression on his face. All I wanted to do was be in his arms bruh.

"So when are we getting married?" I said, completely breaking the silence. Alois laughed. Like not a little laugh, a loud ass 'ima psychopath' laugh. As weird asf as this sounds. It was the cutest little shit I ever heard. DAMN I GOT PROBLEMS.

"Whenever." he said as his expression went darker and my heart raced. My face started heating up. Wtf?? Bruh there's fangirl love, and then there's creepy kisses in the rain love, and I refused to be in love.

"Well then.." I said as I stared out the window.

"What the hell are you staring at?" he asked trying to look out the window but my big ahh head was blocking the way.

"YO MAMA!" I screamed

"Shes dead"

Oops. Shortly after we arrived at the mansion, I dropped my bags and jumped onto the couch, looking for the tv remote. God damnit TVs don't exist yet.



"Can we go to the Phantomhives I wanna see if my slut is there."

"Your what?"

"My pain in the ass. Come on let's go!" I dragged him through the door before being stopped by an annoyed Claude.

"WHATCHU LOOKING AT WITH YO RATCHET ASS!" I said looking him dead in the eye before running off singing the banana song. After running for 2 minutes I realized Alois wasn't following me. That little bitch. I walked and walked until I bumped into an odd man carrying buscuits. HOLY MOTHER OF SANDWHICHES! ITS UNDERTAKER.


"Heyy! Undertaker has Ciel visited you yet?" I asked only to be answered with unreasonabley loud laughing. Yup thats normal... He came closer to whatever the hell I was sitting on and sniffed me. Where is the safety whistle when you need one.

"How do you know of Ciel little butterfly? especially when you bear the scent of a Trancy?"

HOLD UP, how he knows what Alois smells like.

"Because Ciel is life, dafuq?"


"Yes dafuq, stupid hoe."

Once again the psycotic bitch laughed. So hard that he fell back into his coffin, which created a loud noice, cause my chair to close in on me. Wait a minute, chairs don't close on people do they? Ahh fuck.

"HELP!" I screamed, "Im not dead yet" more freaking laughter.

"Ha ha, so funny. I'm bractically bursting with laughter, truely" I said sarcastically. He openend the coffin only for me to sit up and come colliding with the floor. Frustrated as hell I walked out of his shop, slamming the door, causing the R in Undertaker to fall off.

I walked in the forest before finding shelter by the tree, it was hot like a bitch outside. I picked myself up and continued walking before going face first into the one person I despised with a burning passion.

"What does yo thot ass want?" I snapped.

"My sole desire is for your highness to return to the mansion."

"Why did I even leave anyways? Oh well, come on lets go jitt."

All to quickly I was resting on his hard as fuck shoulders. Then we were off, I felt like a bird as he jumped from building to building. As we FINALLY got to the mansion I was tackled by Alois.


"You left me remember." I said throughinh\g my hands in the air.Alois expression changed to one of joy and happiness.

"Come on! Lets go play!" He said aas he dragged me upstairs.


"Alois give me back the phone!"

"Yup Ciel, this is still Ariana Trancy" He said in a squeaky voice. I couldnt contain my laughter.

"No, that isn't laughter your hearing..." he said nervously before throughing the phone in my direction. I grabbed it and before I could think I said, "Ima take yo biatch." and hung up. I was getting bored so i fell asleep on the bed, or more like attempted to. Before Alois' tried to kill me... Just kidding he only tickled the fuck outta me. I stood there and took it like a man. Or maybe, i wobbled around liike a peanut.

Alois picked up his mail and searched for anything impotant, before his eyes landed on the queens ceal. He grabed his coat and rushed out, OML he's like a bipolar ball of sexy I can't even.

Sharon POV

I stood there as Grell, aka the best character ever, came riding in on a cart carrying tea. It spilled all over Finny who danced around the room saying, "hot hot." Bard leaned closer to Ciel and whisper into his ear.

"With all due respect sir, why did you hire such an idiot?"

"Your one to talk." He said simply with a smirk. I fell on the floor laughing before getting back up and accidentally touching Ciel. Before finding myself being pushed against a wall by a furious Madame Red.


"With all due respect, and trust me you have earned very little of mine, I wouldn't hurt a hair on his perfect head. Unlike you whom will later attempt to take his life." I quickly shut myself up, realising that I had said to much. Sebastian gave her a glare that would bring a fully grown Unicorn Elephant to tears.

Grell pulled out a comb and his once black hair turned red. HE attached eyelashes and switched his glasses.

"Well well well, we just couldnt wait, could we?" Grell asked amused? Before pulling out a god damn chainsaw.

"Hmm, I think I'll call you BASSY!" He said as he twirled around.

Everything after that was a blur of colors and number and elephants. I ran to my quarters and began thinking about how I screwed up the show.

Why are you guys reading this? LOL THANKS THO! I didn't think anyone would read this

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