Chapter Five

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"Even though he's my best friend I could hook you up" Carter wriggled his eyebrows at me

"Ew Carter, that's weird" I laughed softly shaking my head

"Oh come on Bella, You know you like Dean, he likes you. You're my real best friend so it's only like you're dating my friend" Carter smiled trying to get me to let him set me up with Dean

"Carter he see's me as your twin sister, that's it" I rolled my eyes

"I can change that!" Carter exclaimed "I just want you to be happy Bella" Carter swung his arm around me tickling my side

"Ahh! Carter stop!" I squirmed and couldn't stop laughing "He's not gonna see me as anything else so forget it"

"Ugh fine" Carter sighed in 


I walked through school ignoring all the looks. Ignoring everyone. I stopped at my locker to get my books and when I closed my locker a shadow hovered over me.

"Ah!" I jumped turning around to see Dean standing behind me

"Hey" He smiled looking at me

"Hi..." I mumbled avoiding eye contact, his eyes were my weakness. That perfect dimple smile and the gorgeous green eyes that just looked so sweet always made me melt.

"Ben told me" Dean started 

"I don't want to hear it Dean" I put my hand on his chest to push him away, but he just pulled me closer

"Just listen. Two minutes" Dean pleaded 

"Fine" I rolled my eyes in defeat

"Great come with me" Dean grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty classroom "Look, I liked you. But Ben was right, Carter had pissed me off and I thought the best revenge on him was to sleep with you. And I'm sorry. But Ben saved you from that. Ben stopped me from just breaking you"

"Right, so instead of you just dumping me, me finding you with my best friend is better?" I scoffed "Yeah... Ben put you up to this huh?"

"He cares about you Iz, he really does" Dean shrugged "I never wanted to hurt you really"

"Yeah that's why you just wanted to use me. I get it" I shook my head "I'm easy. That's what I'm getting from everyone. I'm easy to pick on, easy to sleep with, easy for everything. Thanks Dean. I feel so much better now"

I pushed past dean and walked to my next class. Just as I reached the door Mia stepped in front of me. I was not in the mood to deal with her and her bull shit.

"Well if it isn't little miss slutty" Mia smirked checking her nails to make sure they were perfect

"Get out of my way Mia. You don't want to fuck with me right now" I warned clenching my fist

"Awe trouble in paradise? Poor little Izzy can't get ten men, let alone one. They all just use you because you're so easy" She emphasized the word easy and I lost it

I threw my right hand up connecting it with her jaw then threw it at her again connecting it with her nose. I was about to throw another when my hand was caught. I turned around to see Ben holding my wrist. 

"Seriously" I laughed "You've got to be fucking kidding me" I yanked my arm free "Stay the hell away from me Ben seriously. You're a fucking asshole. You're no better than Dean, or Miles, or Mia. Just leave me the fuck alone!"

"Isabelle Winston!" A teacher yelled down the hallway "Principles office now!"

A few teachers left their rooms to help Mia. I got escorted to the office. I sat outside the principles office for only a few minutes before he beckoned me in.

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