Damn ✰

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You Were Born

Of the Stars, Dear Girl;

Stop settling

For the dust

They leave behind


Once upon a time, a young boy sat facing a cold windowpane as the stars seemed to sparkle in their own luminous patterns. So, dazed by the allusion they created, the boy didn't feel his lungs start to tighten as his breathing became shortened each time. Yet to him it didn't matter, as beauty meant more to him then the pains of humanity. And to be honest he should have cared more about his health but he just didn't. No one could make him care any longer as he was just so tired of it, tired of his premature lungs unable to hold his needed oxygen and that they couldn't function normally. But still he had taken medicine in order to stop it from going to far.

As the night descended farther Felix Lee could only think about that one boy who had sat and talked with him for what seemed like hours. Seo Changbin. There was something different about him, something that just fit like a piece to a puzzle. The boy's name had seemed so familiar, like he had heard it millions of times. But heavens knew he had never heard it before and he didn't understand why the boy kept plaguing his mind.

He looked around his small room, his grandparents had been quite generous when giving Felix the room with the bay window, to which he was currently perched upon. The light blue walls looked grey in the moons light and his small twin sized bed looked cluttered with all his newly brought home school items lying upon it. Beside the window was a small desk with a laptop on it along with an abandoned letter he had left recently. An alarm clock also located on the desk signalled that it was 3:25am and Felix knew that he would regret staying up so late when morning came. He grabbed the letter that he had wrote and stuffed it in a container under his bed.

Once upon a time Felix Lee couldn't control his emotions and he didn't know what to do with them, so he wrote letters because it was easier than figuring them out. Emotions were confusing and if you left them out of your mind long enough, they would go numb.

He knew the boy that had approached him previously was nothing special, but that did not mean he was nothing. Seo Changbin has looked as if he had stepped out of a fashion magazine from a nearing convenience store, though he was only wearing a commonly found winter coat. Overwhelmed due to the time and previous encounters stalked to his bed.

'We're strangers supposed to haunt your thoughts?'

And with nothing to fully distract him, he put his finished homework along with his other school supplies on the floor, and somehow fell asleep after what felt like an eternity. The dark room held a peaceful aura to it and that's what Felix needed, peace.

When the late morning sun finally brought Felix out of his long slumber, the males phone was the first thing he had grabbed. The average game notifications, Instagram alerts and texts from a few well known people had not surprised him. Though what did was a few missed calls from his favourite and only stepbrother, Chris. Seeing as they were quite recent, Felix called him to see why Chris had been trying to contact him multiple times.

It took only few seconds before he answered and Felix wished he had put his phone on a lower volume.


"Omg finally, you've been ignoring my calls for the past hour!" Chris practically shouted into the phone.

"Come on, you especially should know that I don't wake up any time before 11:25am. Anyways what do you want so badly you call me twelve times?" Felix huffed, as he was still tired from his previous 'Nap'.

"Look I was thinking of throwing a surprise Christmas party for some of my friends/ colleagues but I'm practically clueless and don't know anything about decorating nor throwing parties."

"Chan you realize I've never been to a party nor have thrown one, correct?"

"Come on Lix, we've been to some of mom and dads work parties, how different can it be?"

"Extremely? I don't remember anything about those parties besides those were for actual adults not children in an adults body."

"Firstly I'm hurt that you called me a child and secondly we are actual adults."

"Chan you are like 5 don't deny it. Besides I'm not helping you with your stupid party."

"Please, you can come to and you can make some friends."

"Boi, I have friends and parties aren't my thing."

"Name one friend that you have then."


"Felix, you and Minho haven't talked in years due to..."

"That doesn't mean he's not my friend Christopher." Felix growled.

"Yeah but wouldn't it be good to get more friends?" Chan had seemed quite taken aback by the tone of voice Felix had used.

"I have Jisung from astronomy who I sometimes talk to."

"Note the word sometimes, you need to have more social interaction, you barely talk anymore."

"I don't need social interaction, besides I talk to our parents and you at least once a week. And if that's not enough I talk to our grandparents everyday."


"Chris." Felix mocked.

"You are gonna help me even if I have to drag you out of the house."

"You live like twenty minutes away by the time you get here I may not even be at the house."

"Don't you dare go anywhere Felix Lee!"

"You can't stop me, Bang Chan!" Felix quickly dashed to his closet to get proper clothes.

"Yes I can, don't you dare leave the house boi!"

"You can't stop me if you don't know where my whereabouts are. Byeeeeeeee~!" Felix then hung up the phone and dashed downstairs, after quickly saying goodbye to his grandparents. He then ran outside only to see a familiar car with an even familiar face parked outside.

"Nice winter boots, are those the ones I bought you last Christmas?" Chan asked, scaring Felix.

"Where you out here the whole time?" Felix said as he slowly started inching away from his current spot.

"Yep!" Chan grinned.

"You'll never take me alive!" Felix shouted as he dashed away while giggling.

"I'll buy you lunch!" Chan hollered back, causing Felix to do a human U-Turn and jump into his brothers car.

-Avoid all responsibilities✔️

✦ Edited by error... ✧

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