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Alec waited until the classroom was almost empty before he finally stood up. Merlin was glaring holes in the back of his head but he didn't care as he continued out of the classroom.
"Really the whole chasing a rabbit thing?" Chad Charming his somewhat best friend joked .
"I could be telling the truth" Alec joked.
"Yeah right!"
The two shared a laugh as Alec looked out the window to see a girl who's named he had learned from class was Madison Dean. She was smiling brightly at her tan skinned friend who Merlin called Miss Renesmee as the two seemed to be heading out to lunch. Alec had caught Madison Dean staring at him earlier today but for some reason now he once again found himself staring at her.
"Earth to Alec" Chad Stated.
"Let's go we need to get lunch since we have practice after!"
"Oh right!"
Alec followed Chad out the door. He heard the snickers and coos of the girls they had passed by but Alec wasn't interested. He simply kept walking until he noticed Aubrey smirking as she seemed to be tricking Madison Dean into something...not sure what was going on Alec slowly walked closer to see...

Cotton Tails and Feathers: A Descendants TaleWhere stories live. Discover now