Chapter 44 'Disney'

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So far so good I haven't got sick no matter what ride we rode but I refuse to eat anything. I will not get sick and ruin anyones day. Harry keeps trying to get me to eat something though even though I refuse too I think he might have gave up by the like 50th time of asking me to eat. Don’t get me wrong it's cute that he cares so much but I know the second I eat something it's probably coming right back up.

But Disney is so much fun and I even got little Minnie Mouse ear and somehow I convinced Harry to wear a set of Mickey ones and Liam and Danielle also have a set on but everyone else doesn't well at least El and Lou don't I don't know where the other four are they disappeared like an two hours ago. I have to admit that I really like the Alice in Wonderland ride it was just so cool and different I loved it. We rode tons of rides and honestly it was one of the funnest and best days of my life. It would probably come in about number six on my list of best days of my life. Each day on that list has one thing in common- Harry.

“Lets go find a good place to watch the color of lights show I really want to see it. I heard it's so beautiful and we might never get back here again this could be a once in a lifetime chance.” Dani say.

“I think thats a great idea i've always wanted to see it.” I speak up with a smile.

“But shouldn't we try to find Madison Zayn Alex and Niall.”

“There is no way in hell that we are finding them in this huge unfamiliar park with probably a million people.”

“Well we should at least call them and tell them what we're doing.” Liam says pulling out his phone.

We all watch Liam as he sighs and hangs up.    

“They didn’t answer.”

“No shit sherlock.” Lou says which El slaps him and we all laugh.

“I say we just head over and then we can just send them a  text and they can do with that what they please. I mean worse comes to worse were all on the same flight tomorrow and we should be the ones nervous they have family here and have been to America more than a few times.”

We all just nod our heads and head to a good place to watch the show.  

I can't explain how amazing that was. It was so pretty and wonderful I have never seen anything like it and I may never see anything like it ever again. I spent the show wrapped in Harry's arms as I watched all the lights light up the night sky.

Me and Harry shared a kiss before all of us decided that it was time for us to head out to the parking lot where our rental car is.

We tried calling Madison Alex Niall or Zayn multiple times and still no answer so we thought our best option was to just head back to the hotel and get a good night sleep before we have to head out and get on a plane and fly back to England.

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