Chtp. 1

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Hi I'm Tessa. You technically already know me. Well anyways, yes I'm a tom boy I hate girly girls they are annoying.

I have been dancing since I was 7, and I am now 17. Yes I have been dancing in the same place the whole time. Never been anywhere else.

I started gymnastics when I was 5. I had to stop when I was 11 though, because the more levels you move up, the more money everything costs, in dance. My mom have me a choice on either dance or gymnastics or dance, so I chose dance. I'm a little too flexible, and i hate it.

My younger brother dances too. He is 11. He has been dancing since he was 4, but it was like summer camps. Oh sorry and his name is Travis.

My favorite hobbies are dancing and sleeping. Everyone knows I'm not a morning person. I get insanely grumpy when someone tried to wake me up. But I'm a deep sleeper, so I do t hear when my mom yells form down stairs the I need to get up or something. I'm really good at it. The latest I wake up is 1140. I never wake up at like nine. I don't know how my family does it, but I can.

-this is just a better into of what Tessa is like. Hope you guys enjoy. I'm going to bed now... Good night. Ps the next chapter will be longer I promise.-

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