"W-wait, what? " I could not believe what was just told to me.
"The Wilson's! they've decided that they want to Welcome you into their home, they're signing the papers right now, Elizabeth gather your things!"
My mouth was suddenly dry as I walked to gather my things. A million thoughts running through my mind.
Why would they want me? Do they have any children? I don't even remember their names!
I gathered the little bit of clothes I had along with the picture of my parents and I when I was 6 , and a necklace my mother gave me.
I walked towards my new family. The woman had the expression a three year old had in a candy store, exitedly she told me "we are so glad to have you."
The mans expression unreadable.
"I'll take that." He said as he reached towards my purple suitcase.
The car ride felt never ending.
"Are you excited? We're so happy to have you join are family Elizabeth."
"I guess, and thank you.." I paused trying to remember her name.
Shit. What was her name?
"Samantha, you could call me Sam if you want. And this is Jim."
My lips remained in a hard straight line.
Why do they want me?
A question I continue to ask myself over and over again.
What about me was so extraordinary, that out of every orphan there they dicided to choose me?
"We're here." Jim said.
I suddenly snapped out of my train of thoughts.
I noticed that the house was quite big,something I was definitely not used to. The outside of the house was a beautiful shade of sky blue, the roof had pointed edges , and the walls were covered in smoothed bricks. Examining the house very closely , I almost didn't realize that Samantha was staring at me with a soft expression, her smile reaching her ears.
Jim was already unlocking the door but was hesitant once he realized that Samantha and I barely made it past the drive way.
The door flung open, Jim winced.
"DAD!" a few voices called out.
"She's here." Jim said with a slight grin.
Two little boys emerged from the front door.
A moment later a girl about my age came out too.
Samantha spoke
" Elizabeth, this is Harry," pointing to one of the twins." and this is, Donovan, but you can call him spike."
The twins both had dirty blonde hair with freckled checks and scratched legs, they were balls of energy.
The boys both smiled and ran towards me giving me a hug and embracing me. I was hesitant but returned the hug.
Samantha continued,
" and this is our daughter, jazmyn."
Jazmyn was beautiful, her skin tan, much like Jim's. Her hair black with red tips and reached the lower part of her back. She was short,
Like Samantha, I chuckled to myself quietly.
"Welcome to our family Elizabeth, we are so very happy to have you." Samantha said with a smile once again reaching here ears.
As I enter the house... my new house,
I realize, this is my new beginning.
And I wasn't sure if I was ready for it.

Teen FictionElizabeth (Liza) Severe is not exactly a "happy" person. being adopted and taken advantage of for 8 years Elizabeth returns to the orphanage where she's adopted by her new parents and meets her new family, the Wilsons. Elizabeth has to start her li...