Drama Queen

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Pants was all that could be heard outside in front of the door to Rogue's house.

Sting was sweating, exhausted and frustrated, his heart beat rapid.

The male was bent over with his hands on his knees, he weakly lifted his head, staring at the door, knowing that inside the house was a pissed off dragon slayer.

Sting gritted his teeth, the anxiety filling him, he slowly stood up, reaching his hand for the metallic door handle, turning it to reveal a empty living room.

The distressed blonde sighed, shutting the door as his lips curled down with his teeth showing. He slowly dragged his feet towards the hallway, listening for a sound, a cry, something. Deep in the back of his head he wondered if Rogue was going to do what he did a couple of days ago, but he brushed it off.

He slowly walked to Rogue's room, which was blocked by a door which was more likely slammed into the wall. Sting stared at the dented handle, cringing of how much damage Rogue can actually do.

Sting looked at the door, clenching his fist. He closed his eyes and sighed, thinking of what to actually say.




Still, nothing was heard from the room. Suddenly Sting's eyes began to widen, he suddenly thought that what happened a couple of days ago was going to repeat.

His lips slightly parted, his teeth showing, and he had to do something.


He took a step, lifting his leg into he air, preparing to kick the wooden barrier down.

Before he could extend his leg to the door he was interrupted.

"Go away."

Sting froze. He didn't know whether to be relieved and grateful or irritated and pissed off. The white dragon layer slowly extended his leg down, regaining his balance, his stood staring at the door again, pouting and trying to melt the door down with his eyes. Of course that didn't happen.

"Rogue, open the door."

"No. Go away."

"At least let me i-"

"I said no."

Sting huffed, a vein popping out of his forehead. He rolled his eyes and began pleading.

"Come on Rogue, I didn't meant to say that."

"I'm not going to repeat myself."

The blonde stretched his arms out, trying to reason with his partner.

"Rogue stop being such a drama queen."

That caused a spark in the other, suddenly the door flew open, Rogue's wine eyes piercing into Sting.

Sting opened his mouth, taking a step to the blackette,

"Look come o-"

Suddenly he felt a shocking kick within his groin, Sting realized that he went too far, and Rogue was pissed.


Sting leaned forward, holding his crotch and nearly falling down.

Before he could hit the floor he was grabbed by the collar, being lifted up and socked in the gut. Sting let out a sharp cry as he flew across hitting the wall, making contact with the floor. He held his gut, using his free hand to lift himself up. He dragged himself unto his bed, groaning in pain and looked to see Rogue still standing, glaring him down.

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