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(Chapter 5)

" Who doesn't date?" I heard behind me.

" What?" I asked turning to face Reid.

" You said he doesn't date," Reid said.

What to say, what to say.

" I thought you went to the shop," Caleb said.

" I did, they didn't have the part, so they're ordering it for me," Reid said.

" What are you getting?" Tyler asked.

Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

" Car stereo system. The one I have busted last week so hopefully it'll be in by Friday," Reid said.

Reid seemed to forget about what he heard and continued talking about cars with the guys. I slumped down in my seat trying to wrap my head around what just happened. He was so close to finding out. I mean uber close to finding out. Of course he could've heard the whole thing but isn't letting on about it.

" Baby girl," I heard.

" Hmm."

" Don't think to hard you hamster might get exhausted from the overload," Reid smirked.

I let my gaze fall onto him.

" Bite me Garwin," I snapped.

" When, where and how hard?" he asked.

" Now, here, and pretty hard."

" You'd like that wouldn't you?"

His usual smirk was playing on his lips. All the color drained from my face before I started blushing. Reid and I just stared at each other before I looked away. Tomorrow was Monday so hopefully he would forget about the stuff he heard today.

When school rolled around, everything seemed okay. No mentions of the who doesn't date, so its all good. For now.

" Are we going to the diner tonight?" Tyler asked.

" I have homework I need to finish so I'm not sure if I'll make it," I answered.

" Which means Reid will be with you."

" Yeah."

" Which means he'll probably ask you about last night."

" Why do you know this?"

" Because he's been bugging me about it."

" I guess I can do my work now."

Tyler merely shrugged letting me start on my homework. What I couldn't comprehend was that Reid actually remembered. So I guess everything was going to be put on the table tonight. Stuff I didn't want on the table.

" Everyone's over there," Tyler said.

" Give me five minutes," I said.

I finished what I was working on and got changed. When we got there everyone was at our usual table.

" What took you so long?" Blake asked.

" She had trouble with math," Tyler answered.

I sat beside Reid, like I usually would.

" We ordered for you two," Kate said.

Reid slid a milkshake in front of me and then slid his arm around my shoulders.

" What happened to Abbott?" Caleb asked.

" Supposedly a freshman hit him in the face with a door," I explained.

Reid snorted.

" That's what he deserves," Reid said, " He humiliated some freshman in front of the entire swim team last week."

Heather brought our food over a couple of minutes later. She raised an eyebrow at me. I knew what she was questioning. I merely shook my head no.

" So baby girl," Reid said.

" What?" I asked.

" What were you talking about last night?"

" Nothing."

" Just tell me."

I grabbed a fry and shoved it into his mouth, causing him to gag. Causing everyone to look at me before busting out laughing at the situation that just happened.

" I didn't mean to choke you," I apologized.

He chugged some of his drink before looking down at me.

" That was your plan all along, don't deny it," Reid said.

" Yeah your right that was my goal all along."

For that he stole some of my mashed potatoes.

" Hey!" I exclaimed.

" Hays for horses," Reid countered.

" Back off my food."

" You're the one who made me choke!"

" You deserved it!"

" For what? Asking a simple question?"

He had me there.

" Since you don't have an answer to that, tell me what you were talking about yesterday," he said.

" Why's it matter?"

" Because its been bugging me!"

Everyone became suddenly quiet.

" It's not like you were talking about me," he said.

I stayed quiet.

" Or were you talking about me," he said, " So you were judging me?"

" I wasn't judging you I was pointing something out," I explained.

" So you were pointing out the fact I'd rather have meaningless sex than be committed to someone I don't like yet alone want to date?"

" You don't understand."

" Make me understand."

" I pointed it out because…"

I couldn't believe I was about to tell him that I liked him.

" You can't even make me understand can you? You said you weren't even judging me."

I felt like a bitch because I couldn't say anything, I mean I could say something but I didn't want to. I continued playing with the edge of the napkin.

" I'm not judging you!" I said, " I could care less that you don't date."

" Then tell me what you had to prove a point about?" Reid asked.

Here goes nothing.

" Because I like you."

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