Chapter 4

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"Woah! Is that Hawks?!"

We are still in the sky, but getting closer to the school.

"Hawks, if anyone asks, I'm your sister."

He nods and we land in front of the gates. We are immediately swarmed by students.

"Are you Hawks' girlfriend?"

"Or are you just a lucky fan?"

"Sister? Cousin? Related at all?!"

"Guys, guys! Y/N here is my sister. I have to get going but don't swarm her too much."

I roll my eyes and start walking into the school. Someone steps on my tail so I turn around and see a very angry looking ash-blonde.

"Payback bitch."

"I said sorry."

"Why didn't you mention your brother?"

"I don't need him to make friends."

"But you need him to fly you to school?"

"He insisted. Can you get off now? That hurts."

He steps of and clicks his tongue while yelling something along the lines if 'DEKU!?' I follow his gaze and saw an adorable boy with green hair, trembling at the hedgehog. I walk over and stand in front of the 'Deku'.


I sigh and grab the broccoli boy's waist. I start flying towards the entrance and put in down right in front of the doors. Without letting him say anything, I walk in and try to find classroom 1A.

After I find it I walk in and see a few students, but most of them are probably hanging out in the court yard.

"Oooooooh cool!"

Some pink haired girl comes up and pokes my wing. It flinches and she jumps back. I giggle and tell her it's fine.

"Dragon quirks are super rare. Well, not in the fanfiction world but in real life they are."

"Don't break the fourth wall Ashido!"

I turn to see a blue haired boy with glasses. I greet him with a nod and he does the same.

"Is this all of your quirk?"

"I wish. I can also-"


I sigh and put my wing in front of the broccoli boy to stop the explosions from the hedgehog.

"How many times am I gonna have to save you today?" I said it with a chuckle but the cinnamon roll was blushing like an idiot. He's actually pretty cute.


I sigh yet again.

"Listen hedgehog, you shouldn't just attack people. Even if you have a grudge. Go sit down and just leave the fucker alone."

He visibly get angrier and I lower my wing. The Deku kid already went to his seat. I look the hedgehog in the eyes. My E/C ones filled with determination and pride, his crimson ones filled with anger and pain. I roll my eyes and explosions start forming in his hands.

"I wouldn't try me. Not in here. I can't use my quirk in such a small place."

He growls and stomps to his desk. Just as I sit down too, the door opens and we can see a...sleeping bag? The sleeping bag gets up and unzips showing the pro hero Eraser Head. He doesn't do public attention that much, but Hitoshi and I are big fans.

let's be heroes (hitoshi shinso x reader)((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now