Chapter 15 - Thank You

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Manipulation Room victim no. 102928
Name: Callix Rue
Age: 19 years old
Occupation: Artist
Family Member: 20-year-old boyfriend, Zach
Description: Sharp implement drawn up the forearm, slit the femoral artery and caused victim to bleed to death.


As I wake up I am first aware of the coolness of the air and it's loamy fragrance. The ground is lumpy as if I were on a bed of earth and rocks. My clothes feel as damp as a flower in the dew of the dawn. I half wonder if I'm still dreaming. My dream-like state ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality. My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked. I stayed laid down, debating whether or not I should get up. My muscles felt weak, just like my energy. I let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as I sat up on the sepia-coloured sofa I had been occupying. What time was it? How long had I been asleep? Where was I? All of these questions shot through my mind as I let out a loud yawn, ready to start (or continue) the day.

I looked around, rubbing my tired eyes and saw almost immediately where I was. The medical room. Outside the window beams of bright light cascaded through the paper-thin curtains. It was still day time, at least I hadn't been knocked out for too long. There were voices, but I couldn't hear them clearly. My ears were finding it hard to adjust to the noise around me. I swallowed, and my ears cleared almost instantly. It hurt, my ears ringing, but I could hear everything around me almost before I could see it. 

"Are you sure she's okay?" Ezra. His voice was so clear and so distinct that I knew almost immediately that it was him. He sounded incredibly concerned, how injured was I? "Chill, Ezra. I'm sure she's fine." That was Jaxon. His calm voice, complete with a smile that you could hear before you could see. "Yeah, it was only a rock, she'll be fine." Kierra. She had been there when I was knocked out, it made sense that she was here with me now. 

I shakily stood up, looking around to find the location of the sound. I walked like my limbs didn't really belong to me and each step was a negotiation rather than an order. Everything hurt now. Every damn thing. I winced to cross the floor, but it was such torture that I didn't make it very far. I bent against the will of my joints and dropped back onto the sofa, grimacing at the pain that it caused me. I could hear them talking but I couldn't see them. I wondered if I was dreaming again. If I was just hearing what I wanted to hear. 

"Shall we check on her?" 
"Ezra, it's been five minutes since you last checked." 
"Jaxon's right. Maybe she just needs some rest." 

I don't need some rest. I need them, here with me. I tried to stand up again but I felt so dizzy. I felt as if my lungs were slowly filling with water, as if there was just less space in them for the air. Inflating them felt like pushing up a lead weight on my chest. I sucked in the air as if it were treacle. Why was it so hard? I longed for a familiar face. Ezra's face. "Ezra?" I croaked. My voice was hoarse from lack of water and as dry as a sandy desert. I doubt they heard me. "Ezra?" I uttered huskily, surprised I could even talk at all. 

"Did you hear that?" 
"Really, Ezra? Now you're just being delusional." 
"I'm not crazy, I heard her." 
"Right, well when you stop worrying and realise that she's not going to die, then maybe you'll be able to think straight." 
"Jax, I'm serious." 

Kierra's voice cut through their conversation, "Ezra, can you go and see where the matron is? She's taking ages..." 
Then Jaxon's voice again, "You two worry too much. I'm telling you, she'll be fine." Nevertheless, I heard footsteps and then the door opened and closed. Ezra was gone. I couldn't help wishing he'd come back. Right now all I wanted to see was him. 

I heard Kierra's gentle steps around the corner of the wall almost before I could see her. She looked exhausted with worry and exhaled with relief when she saw me. Kierra ran to sit next to me and put a hand on my lap. "Lyric, I was so worried!"

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