Chapter 30 - Eternal

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Manipulation Room victim no. 837365
Name: Gunner Mikell 
Age: 7 years old
Occupation: Student 
Family Member: 32-year-old mother, Matilda 
Description: Force-fed 9 grams of atropa belladonna (toxic to humans) resulting in sudden death. 


As soon as the door clicked open, I dropped the keys to the floor and fell into Ezra's arms. I swallowed back the tears as I dropped my head onto his shoulder and felt him run a hand through my hair. I breathed him in, breathing fast as I sunk into him. This whole time, I'd longed to feel his arms around me, and now the time had come. I was never going to take his warm embrace for granted ever again. Being unable to touch him only made me realise how much I needed to. We pulled apart so that we could simply stare at each other. This new-found closeness was so precious, I savoured every second.

His eyes were so different in moments like these, softer than I knew eyes could be. The serious, determined Ezra is gone and instead it is the eyes of someone who loves deeply. If it were anyone else, I would drop my gaze, but with him I'm drawn in closer, always wanting more. Then he says the words I need to hear, "We're okay, you and me. Okay?" I just nod, taking in every moment for my memory. I'd treasure the words for if I was ever ripped away from him again. I'd make it last.

I moved my head closer to him and leaned in so my forehead rested against his. We closed our eyes. Both our breaths were shaking. "Thank you," I said in barely more than a whisper. "For what?" He replied, his voice low and husky. "For getting me through this." My voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension between us. I couldn't bare it. Gently, I leaned in and kissed Ezra's warms lips. It was a short kiss that managed to say a hundred words that we never would. We pulled apart and took shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain ourselves anymore, he held my head in his hands and pulled me into a fiery and passionate kiss. His hands worked their way around my waist, brushing against the bare skin and I leaned in closer.

"Lyric..." he whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savour them. I smiled, my heart fluttering at his voice. He pulled me into his chest and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "God...I'm so glad you're okay." He exhaled. "We're okay. All thanks to you." He kissed my forehead and I could feel him beaming proudly. "You know I didn't mean-"
"-I know...don't worry, I know."

We pulled apart and looked around, just noticing the small dark room we were in. When it was just us two in each other's arms, kissing each other's lips, the room had seemed so much larger. "We should go." He whispered, looking around cautiously. I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we can talk once we're outside."
"Only talk?" He smirked. I hit him playfully on the arm, kissing him lightly on the lips before pulling away, still giggling, "Maybe other things too."
He grinned, "Can't wait."

"Do you remember Lysander's instructions?" I asked, walking towards one of the exits. He creased his forehead in thought, "Goddammit...I've forgotten. You?"
I groaned, "Forgotten too."
"It's fine, it's totally fine. We can improvise this." He said reassuringly, opening another door and looking inside. "So, that's the Manipulation Room, shall we try that door?" He pointed to the door I was standing in front of and I nodded. Slowly, we crept through the door and walked down the narrow corridor. I gulped with fear, feeling Ezra snaking his arm around my waist. He pulled me into him as we walked and I felt a lot safer.

His embrace was tight and protective and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. "You okay?" He whispered into my hair, guiding me through. I nodded, feeling a wall in front of me before Ezra pulled me gently to the side, "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"
"I'm doing super."

After walking for a minute or two, I felt a door handle poke into my rib. I stopped abruptly and Ezra gasped as he stopped with me. "A door. I've found a door." I whispered, feeling for the handle. He sighed with relief, "Okay, okay let's see."
I pulled open the door and we both walked through, taken aback by the sudden light. I covered my eyes to shade them from the bright lightbulbs that were hanging from the ceilings.

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