Chapter 10

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Tiger panted heavily and collapsed in front of Fievel's house, wheezing. Olivia had her arms around Fievel's waist to tightly that he was having trouble breathing.

"O-okay...we're back in town," Fievel said.

"Okay, th-that does it guys," Tiger panted, "That definitely...does it. We're in over our heads...we need some kinda plan before we try and take them on, marching right into their was a dumb idea."

Olivia rested her forehead on Fievel's shoulder, shutting her eyes.

"I'm sorry you two," she said sadly, "I'm causin' ye all kindsa trouble. An' now Ratigan and Waul are gonna be comin' fer all of us..."

"Helping is what friends do Olivia," Fievel said, "Maybe we should have been smarter, but we had to do something about your papa, and Wylie."

Olivia just wanted to cry, but she held it back. She hated crying in front of Fievel.

"You guys just stay outta trouble," Tiger said, "I don't know if they'd ever buy it, but if something happens and they catch you, just say we were only exploring and we happened into their hideout by accident."

"And I shot my slingshot at Fidget because he scared us," Fievel said.

"Yeah, maybe that'll work," Tiger said, though he knew it probably wouldn't be enough of an excuse.

"Are you gonna go somewhere Tiger?" Fievel asked.

"I think I'm gonna find Miss Kitty and talk to her, and maybe try to find Nellie," Tiger replied.

"But you can't be seen talking to her, or else Waul and Ratigan will know she's on our side," Fievel whispered.

"Oh uh, right," Tiger answered, "G-guess I'm in hot water too now...alright, I just gotta see Miss Kitty."

"Don't get captured Tiger," Fievel said, hugging his fur, "If they caught Wylie they could catch you too."

Tiger trembled a bit, "I-I'll be fine. You two get in the house, and I guess stay there until dinner. A-and Olivia, don't go home alone."

Tiger was scared, and he felt strange telling Fievel and Olivia what to do, but he had a hidden courage in him when things were at their most desperate.

"We already know they're not going to do anything when other mice are around." Fievel said, looking back at Olivia, "If we get Tanya to walk you home with us we'll be safe I bet."

"I hope Tony an' Bridget might let me sleep with 'em in their room." Olivia said, loosening her grip on Fievel and sliding down Tiger's fur.

"I don't think I wanna sleep alone either..." Fievel said, though feeling ashamed to admit it, following after Olivia.

"I'll check in with you two soon," said Tiger.

"Okay, bye Tiger," Fievel replied, as Tiger darted into a back alley, making his way to the saloon using a less direct path. With that Fievel quickly led Olivia back into his house.

"Oh, hey you two," said Tanya as she swept the floor with a broom, dressed in her regular clothes again but still wearing her makeup, "You're home early, dinner isn't for another five hours."

"Um, we just got bored..." Fievel said hesitantly, "Figured maybe we could come inside, and read, or play a board game, something..."

Tanya giggled, "Now that's very unlike you."

"I know, but um, guess we just wanna do something different."

"How are you doing Olivia?" Tanya asked as she circled them with the broom, humming 'Dreams to Dream' to herself.

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