I was tagged by FindMEforJAMS
Hello young friends who have chosen this book to waste their time on.
I welcome you. I hope you like what you see.
If you don't, there is a 'back button' on the lower edge of your phone. Please click it and leave.
If you do, I LOVE YOU.1. Blood sweat and tears.
Courtesy to a very pushy but cheerful friend who wanted me to be A.R.M.Y2. Most embarrassing moment......hmmmmm. .....does my entire life count??
Seriously there was this one time my family had gone hiking and I fell in the river. I was all confident that I could cross it but I fell. I didn't even realise that I had dropped my sunglasses until the tour guide rescued them for me.4. You see I am the kind of person who plays it safe, I only take calculated risks. But, once I was trying to comb my friend's hair with my mom's comb. It got stuck and I cut her hair off. Another time I used sketch pen as eyeshadow for a friend to had come over to play, and, the colour wasn't coming off. My mom used coconut oil to wear off the colour.
6. Innocence- 13
Room and general cleanliness- you don't wanna know.7. EXPERIENCE OF TRUE FRIENDSHIP.
This year's highlight was FindMEforJAMS
Countless times we have chatted, laughed our sides out, played pranks on rippling hair boy, talked despite warnings, fangirled, etc.
For you my dear friend: