3 ~ Stay With Me

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Jackson walked away, more like limped away, holding his bleeding wound while staying on high alert. Yes, Jackson is alive and now he is with NamJoon and Prince SeokJin.

SeokJin didn't even speak a word, still recovering from his shock of everything that happened this night.

"Is he alive?" NamJoon asked Jackson, referring to Taemin, Yoongi’s brother, Jackson painfully shook his head. NamJoon sighed, already knowing how badly this would affect Yoongi.

"What about Taehyung, Soyeon, or Jinyoung?" Jackson inquired, hissing when he moved the wrong way, causing pain to shoot throughout his body. NamJoon shrugged truly not knowing where they were or if they were even alive.

SeokJin only followed them, not speaking a word, NamJoon along with Jackson noticed this and chose not to try and speak to the royal. Even though NamJoon was Jin’s guarding warrior and the two considered themselves friends, NamJoon decided it would be best just to leave Jin alone at the moment.

"Your wound looks pretty bad," they heard SeokJin finally say, their heads snapping towards the heir.

"What?" Jackson questioned, not sure if he actually heard the royal.

SeokJin pointed towards his cut, "the wound, it’s pretty bad."

"I’ll be fine, as long as we get to this bunker quick, and get you safe. You’re the next heir and our top priority," SeokJin furrowed his eyebrows at what Jackson said.

"What bunker?"

"We are prepared if this ever happened, there is a bunker far away from the kingdom where, if a warrior has a royal, they go to meet up with others and discuss the next move,” NamJoon explained.

NamJoon heard a stick break, immediately whipping out his sword, Jackson holding onto SeokJin. As the stranger came into light NamJoon dropped his sword, running towards Taehyung.

"Oh my god you’re alive!" he cried holding onto him, stopping when he felt warm liquid hit his hands, he looked back at the male his jaw dropping.

"I-i g-got s-stabbed," Taehyung managed to get out before collapsing into NamJoon, who was in shock, Tae was an excellent warrior how could he get stabbed?

"We need to go to that bunker quick," NamJoon tried holding Taehyung up, but almost fell do to his weight, since Taehyung was falling unconscious.

"L-let me help," SeokJin shyly said before grabbing Taehyung’s other arm. NamJoon and Jackson were genuinely surprised by the royals actions, but didn't dwell on it for long.

The three going as fast as they could, fearing for Taehyung’s life.


15 years ago

"Taemin Hyung when is appa coming back?" 6 year old Yoongi asked his older brother, the young boy fiddling with the grass underneath him.  

Taemin, only 2 years older than Yoongi, didn't want to explain to his younger brother that their father was gone for good, instead protecting him by telling the young boy a small white lie. "He will be back soon Yoongs, let’s go back to eomma okay?"

The younger, more oblivious Yoongi, ran off happily to their mother. Taemin grew up too fast, after their father’s death he became like a father figure to Yoongi, protecting him at all costs.

10 years ago

"C'mon Yoongi you have to be better than that if you want to be a warrior," Taemin laughed, as he easily knocked his little brother down.

Yoongi huffed getting up, "Taemin really? I'm 11 you need to go easier on me, you are bigger and stronger!"

He laughed again, "This will help you in the long run just trust me okay?", sighing Yoongi finally nodded. Preparing himself for whatever his brother was going to bring on.


Yoongi suddenly woke up from his dream state, tears streaming down his face, Hoseok was staring at him with almost no emotion.

The older looked around, it was sunrise and he had fallen asleep on a tree. "You are supposed to be protecting me, not sleeping," Hoseok complained, he even sounded tired and out of it.  

"Well too bad, want me to protect you then wake me up next time,” Yoongi spat, he got up,  starting to walk again.

"Where are we going anyways?" Hoseok asked untying the bow that was on the collar of his dress shirt, since the weather was starting to become warmer.

"A bunker, outside of Aleumdaun there are 5 passages that lead to one huge one, if we can get there we can meet with others and hopefully find your siblings," Yoongi replied looking over at Hoseok, who was staring at the black haired male oddly, almost scared.

"MOVE!" he suddenly yelled, knocking Yoongi down, and tackling someone else.

As the black haired male regained his balance he noticed Hoseok get punched in the face. Yoongi kicked the assassin off of Hoseok,  taking his dagger and stabbing them. All life once seen in their eyes, lost. The male looked back at the Royal, who was still laying on the ground breathing heavily.

"You should have been on high alert!" Hoseok huffed cupping his, now bruised, cheek.

"I was going to say thank you, but you know what, fuck you I'm happy you got punched," Yoongi shot at him, the blond only smirked.

"Sweetie most people wanna fuck me, have you seen me?" he cockily pointed at himself, winking at the warrior in front of him. Yoongi glared at him starting to walk again, Hoseok laughed following the elder male.


"Hurry up and unlock that door," SeokJin pleaded, they had finally reached one of the nearest passageways to the bunker, Taehyung’s condition not getting any better.

"Okay okay," Jackson quickly did the passcode, unlocking the door.

NamJoon rushed inside, he didn't know how but his worry must have given him a new found strength he never possessed before, taking the weight of Taehyung completely off of SeokJin he threw Taehyung’s unconscious body over his shoulder, bolting for the bunker.

"He couldn't have done that before?" SeokJin huffed, Jackson grinned closing the door to the passage.

"Where is he going?" Jin asked as NamJoon’s figure disappeared.

"This passage leads to a huge bunker with multiple rooms, that's why he's running. To get to the medical area as quick as possible," Jackson answered limping along the passageway, the Royal nodded.

NamJoon barged into the medical room, expecting no one to be there, only to find Jung Yeri with Jinyoung, Yeri treating the cut on his face.

"It’s great you’re both alive but move!" NamJoon yelled, as they rushed away, NamJoon let Taehyung go on the bed, lifting up his shirt to reveal the stab wound Jackson tightly wrapped.

"Stay with me okay buddy you’re going to be okay," NamJoon whispered, Yeri watched with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

In the original draft this scene with NamJoon and Taehyung was supposed to be Yoongi and Hoseok :]

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