Chapter 1 : Peaceful Panic

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Pitter patter drip drip thats the sound the rain makes as it falls on the window sil.
A young girl a teen no less sits at a desk near a window in her final class of the day as she trys to escape the reality of what they were being taught. This girls teacher was a crazy hippy who insisted all this rain was global warming even though its usual for this time of year. Whats this girls name you ask?
Mackenzie Licor straight A student who cant help but get herself into trouble even though she only appeared last year no one  dared question that fact well unless you wanted to make her mad.
"Miss licor, something intresting out there?"
The young girl drew her attention away from what was happening outside and back to her teacher
"Yea, the rain its so beautiful as it falls dont you agree? The smell of new earth-"
"Back to work miss licor"
And it was dropped and Mackenzie went back to trying to complete her worksheet as the sound of the rain began to match the tik of the clock counting down. 5...4...3...2...RING
As soon as that bell rang and the children funneled out of the building into the almost empty streets trying to load into cars or busses, but as the childreb got ready to leave no one could prepare for what they were about to see.
The sky darkened and the air got dry and hot. You could feel the electricity crackling in the air some people started to run others decided to stop and stare, Mackenzie was one of the few who stayed.
Out of the clouds with electricity buzzing around fell what appeared to be a teenage guy with and aviator jacket and hair with buzzed sides that was long on top. Mackenzie was about to rush forward to check anf see if the guy was even alive when he stood up and brushed himself off.
"Ignorant humans, look around you. My name is none of your concern but im here to tell you your days are numbered. Within a weeks time war will be raining down on the factions as we know it and your lives will not be spared. Spend your days wisely"
Instead of bursting into flames or pulling a dissapearing act the boy just walked away towards the city line. Mackenzie just stood awestruck as those around her murmered about how stupid the guy was. Surely they had seen him fall from the sky like she had theres no way it could have been a trick in the veil right?  She glanced at the guy walking away and at the others around her, then back to the guy walking away before she knew it she started to run. Not to her bus or in the direction of her house but after the mystery guy. Psnting she caught up with him.
"W-what do you mean our days are numbered"
Now it was the guys turn to be shocked and he slowly turned around and looked the girl up and down.
"You can see- ahh a hybrid"
Thoes words sent chill through Mackenzie's body
"What do you mean our days are numbered?"
She reapeated more confidently. The boy gave her a slight smile.
"Im sorry hybrid but unfortunately that is none if your buisness"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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