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Thanks for coming back to read this book! I won't be wasting any time, so please enjoy! :))


(Two months prior)

Khris was sitting on her and Danny's bed in their apartment, staring at the light-colored wall. She sighed, the realization of Henley's leaving moving into her head. "I can't believe she's gone... I know she got tired of waiting- I'm getting tired of waiting, but I wouldn't leave!"

"I know you wouldn't leave," Danny sighed back at her, pulling on his coat. "You're too determined to leave this all behind, it means too much."

Khris sighed, turning her head as she watched Danny. She began to look defeated as she stood up from her criss-crossed position on the bed. She walked in front of Danny, hugging him tightly. "I miss her, y'know?"

Danny hugged her back, "I know. Me too." He kissed the top of her head before he stuffed his phone into his pocket, pulling away from her.

She sighed, rubbing her teary eyes, sitting back down on the bed, "Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting the guys- don't worry, I'll be back soon," Danny tried a smile, putting his earbuds into his ears. "Love you."

"I love you, too," she sighed as he left the room. Khris heard the front door close shut as she flopped back onto their bed. She knew something was up, he normally never hung out with Merritt and Jack, especially since Henley left.

Khris stood up with a heavy sigh, walking into the living room. She leaned against the wall next to the window, staring out it, watching Danny walk out into the night. "Where are you going, love?" she mumbled to herself.

She leaned her head back against the wall before pushing away from it, going into the open kitchen. She grabbed a glass, filling it with water, sitting on one of the bar stools. She took her phone of her jacket pocket, leaning her elbows on the counter.

She scrolled through her contacts before she clicked on Merritt's name: 'Father McKinney'. She still found the name humorous. She pressed the 'CALL' button, putting her phone up to her ear, waiting for him to answer her.

Khris heard the phone ringing until she got a groggily answer, "Hello?"

"Merritt, hey..."

"Khris?" he paused for a few seconds. "What do you want? It's 10:00..."

"I know, sorry, Merritt..." she sighed. "Um- is Danny with you? Or is he going to be at all tonight?"

Merritt didn't answer for almost a minute, confusingly responding, "No? Why would he be with me?"

Khris didn't seem too fazed, staring down at the counter. "He told me he was meeting up with you and Jack... Maybe Dylan too. He left a few minutes ago, he might be walking over?"

"No, sorry, kiddo. Daniel isn't here, didn't say he was coming either."

"Oh, okay. Thanks though, Merritt. Sorry for waking you- if you were sleeping."

"Hey, it's all good. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Khris sighed. "I'm fine. Maybe a little worried or- I don't know. I'm scared."

"I understand, Khris. He probably isn't doing anything bad, alright? Get some rest."

"I will, thanks. Talk to you later," Khris hung up before she heard a response, suddenly feeling tired. She took a sip of water, putting the glass by the sink. 'What if he's cheating on me?' she asked herself.

Khris shook her head, "Danny wouldn't do that to me... but something is obviously up."

She ran a hand through her messy hair, heading back into their bedroom, crawling into bed. Khris stayed awake for about another hour, staring at the wall, before she grew too tired, falling asleep. As she was falling asleep, she swore she heard Danny walk into the apartment, but she was too tired to interrogate him.


(622 words)

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