4 - Navigate

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"You don't know, Y/N!"

After a fight with my mother - something about me cursing at our guest this morning. She always could pick our something. She always could find a way to ruin my day. And it was hours ago!

I left the house for fresh air. (I fell out the window when I tried to shimmy down a pipe but I fell into a large bush, so it's all good.) I wandered the streets to cool down from being angry with my mother and the adrenaline rushing through me. The streets were colorless and completely vacant - except for a hungry rat and my own foot steps.

I soon subconsciously started to try to find Johannes - walking to the spot on the street where I first saw him frequent. My cool down walk became me walking and searching the streets for signs of life. I got lost and began to wonder if Johannes was all but an illusion my concious made up because of my mother.

I wandered, pulling my father's old coat closer against my freezing skin. I was about to just head home and try to sneak back through a window when I bumped into a large figure.

It practically towered over my small stature. As I looked at the figure, little provided light showing me his features. His hair reached his lower back and was in long dread locks which I had only recognized from my childhood resent of brushing my hair. Rings of black were painted around his striking blue eyes that reminded me of Henrik and Johannes. He wore a sleeveless costume and had a ring in his nose - which was similar to a bull's ring - both of which were peculiar.

He looked at me and cocked his head at me if I had done something frazziling. I hadn't said or done anything at all.

So we started at each other, his large figure looming over my small body that was shrowd in mens clothes.

I imagined that we'd somehow break this spell of being frozen for this encounter. As if my thoughts were heard, the man seized my arm, breaking our staring contest.

Unlike my thoughts, he leaned down to me, putting his face extremely close to mine and...sniffing? I moved my face away from his.

He straightened his posture and began to drag me away from my frozen spot and down alley ways.

I had no idea how far we walked or how long before we stopped. He pointed to a sign, the one Johannes had when I first saw him. HAIL THE APOCALYPSE. "Johannes...did Johannes send you?" I asked the strange mute man.

He looked at me before shrugging in response. After a few moments of silence, the man's stomach rumbled. He held out his hands for food.



The door slammed open, before slamming into my side after it bounced off of the wall stop. I groaned and motioned to the man to come in. He walked in and straight to the kitchen, sitting down at the small table.

We had sucessfully snuck into the house, almost breaking the door in the process. I closed the door behind him and I rushed into the kitchen after him. I looked through the cabinets before I grabbed leftover bread and jams. I plated them and set them in front of the man.

Seemingly instantly, he devoured everything. I eagerly awaited any verbal response after he chugged a few glasses of water. He set the cup down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

He saw my eager smiling face and smiled back before standing up and abruptly leaving. After a few seconds of registering what just occurred, I ran after him only to see nothing in the street and then not remember a thing.

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