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" Who is all-powerful should fear everything. "

- Pierre Cornielle

Miyako glared at Sasuke.

"Oya, Sasuke, what's with your sudden interest in me?" She chuckled.

The said boy ignored her, focusing only on Kabuto.

'To nearly defeat a S-Ranked missing-nin all on your own... Miyako Ukyo, you're probably the strongest applicant in this exam,' Sasuke bitterly thought.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, then at Kabuto, and then at Miyako. His eyebrows were pinched together as he nodded, 'I don't really get what's going on, but I'll pretend I do.'

"Well then, first is Rock Lee," Kabuto announced. The white card under his finger changed into an information-filled card in a puff of smoke.

Rock Lee's photo was put on the upper right hand corner of the card. His basic information was put on the upper right hand corner and his overall statistics were up on the lower half of the card.

"He's one year older than you guys. His mission experience, twenty D-Ranks and eleven C-Ranks. His team leader is Might Guy. In just this year, his taijutsu has drastically improved, but his other skills are no good at all. Last year, he attracted attention as a genin rookie with his ability, but didn't participate the the Chunin Exams. This is his first time taking the exam, just like you guys. His team consists of Tenten and Neji Hyuga."

"Next... Is Gaara of the Sand," Kabuto put down another white card, "His mission experience, eight C-Ranks, B-Rank... Wow, one B-Rank as a genin, eh. He's a shinobi from a different land and is a rookie, so there is no further detailed information. But, it seems that he has returned from all his missions uninjured."

Miyako raised an eyebrow, 'Something's not right here... He said he spent four years gathering information for this exam but how does he have access to information of shinobi's from all over the lands? And what makes this exam so special? Kabuto's not as easy as he claims to be... I better keep an eye out on him.'

"And finally, Miyako of Konohagakure," Kabuto pulled out another card.

A puff of smoke erupted as Kabuto formed his hand sign. Before the smoke cleared up, though, Miyako quickly flickered to in front Kabuto, snatched the card, and flickered back to her original spot.

Everyone's eyes widened at her speed.

The card laid on her palm, facing down so nobody could see what was on the other side of the card. Miyako smirked, the card in the middle of her palms bursting into flames.

"Sorry Sasuke, but I'd rather you see my abilities with your very own eyes than seeing them off a little card."

While the rookies praised her, Kabuto narrowed his eyes. The cards... Despite wearing glasses, Kabuto could still pick up on the littlest details with his eyes. He saw how the card was completely white before Miyako snatched it.

That meant that data was never collected on Miyako. That would've been nearly impossible as Kabuto had spies all over the nations, and had seen all official records for all the rookies this year...Unless, Miyako doesn't exist. But what was impossible. Miyako was clearly standing in front of him! This girl is suspicious. Kabuto made mental notes to mention her to Orochimaru.

"Anyways, moving on," Kabuto chuckled nervously, "Konoha (Leaf), Suna (Sand), Ame, Kusa (Grass), Taki (Waterfall), Oto (Sound)... There are lots of exceptional genin's from those villages who have come to take the exam this year as well. As far as Otogakure goes, it's a village of a small nation that sprang up in recent years, so there isn't much information. At any rate, they're all hidden villages with nothing but crackerjacks."

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